need tuning help in phoenix area


May 28, 2001
Have a friend going to school in the phoenix area. We just put a new motor in the car right before he left a few weeks ago, he has maybe 500 miles on it. Bone stock rebuild. Wiseco pistons, HV oil pump,and ARP studs and bolts for durability, but that is it. He is running a Translator and LT1 MAF. He seems to be having a few driveability issues. I have no idea if it is just a tuning issue or something else may be going on. He knows very little about turbo buicks or cars in general. Anyone available to take a look at his car one night or weekend just to make sure something weird is not going on with a new motor? Once he gets back here to Dallas we can look at it closer and actually tune it right. His breakin miles were driving from Dallas to Houston, then to phoenix within hours of the new motor going in. I just lowered the boost and turned up the fuel pressure a little to be safe, said a prayer and wished him luck. he was on a time restraint and we did not have time to put 500 miles on the motor before going further with a tune.

If you think you can help us out please PM or email me at and I will pass on his number to you or your number to him.