Need info about direct drum


New Member
Jan 20, 2006
Got the trans apart due to 2nd gear slipping, band burnt, clutches and steels burnt.

Currently the dia. toward the rear of drum is 6.174" with a couple spots at 6.173-72". and the dia. toward the
front of the drum is 6.178" with a couple spots at 6.176".

In other words there is a slight taper (about .005") across the band surface, and a couple low spots (about .002").
No scoring or burn spots on the drum.

Q. At what point do you machine the band surface of the drum, or scrap it?

Also, I drilled the .060" bleed hole but it is on the corner just below the 1st steel, above the lip seal
surface, and it is only through the inner drum area. (OOPS!:rolleyes: )

Q. This obviously won't help bleed 2nd gear oil, but will it hurt anything?

I need some advice here, guys!
