Need help


New Member
Feb 12, 2002
I have two questions about parts on my car.

1. The MAF sensor if i unplug it with the car running should it die or keep running. BTW if it makes a difference i have a translator on it.
2. The volt booster should i notice a jump in the volt reading on my scan master when i get on the car.

Thanks for the help!

Mike, there's a little bit of info on the volt booster above. See if that helps at all bud.

The car may run with the maf unplugged, I doubt it will run very well. I haven't tried this with my personal car, but I've seen another that would only stay running by playing with or keeping the throttle pressed somewhat. It wouldn't idle by itself.

Maybe the veterans here can be more helpful. :)
Not sure about he MAF although I would expect it would run very rough with it unplugged. I don't think there is anything that requires the MAF signal just to run.

With the volt booster you should see an increase in voltage when you get into boost and high TPS depending on whose volt booster you have. Keep in mind that the Scanmaster reacts kinda slow so you may not see the voltage increase for 1-2 seconds after you get into it.

Hope that helps
