need help with power logger


May 31, 2011

I installed the hardware in the ECM and copied the drivers to my desktop of my Windows 7 laptop, I do not see anywhere the powerlogger as in drivers in Computer tab. Also I cant seem to install the .inf drivers. Please help. I also wanted to know the I/O board that came with the power logger, does it need to be connected for the above to work? and where and how do you guys connect it?... I see the instructions show how to wire the MAP but thats it!

Please help
Eric at Turbo Tweak has a good read for Win 7 install. It's free to register. Follow this link and register to read. Also has .jpg in instructions just click them. Hope this helps and if it does..... thank Eric.
Windows 7 Powerlogger Install
Thanks for the link, I haven't registered yet so did not see the pics, but read through the steps. I don't have my power logger come up as a listed device at all.....when I turn the ignition on I see a green led flash once and same when I turn key off, but no linking of the device.
Any ideas guys?.... The power logger does not come up in the device list.... like there is nothing there.... any ideas?
Mine should be delivered today or tomorrow.

I'll let you know what happens.
I have had a situation where the USB cable was bad. If you have another USB cable laying around, you can try that.
I'm watching this thread as well. Windows 7 seems to have all the same "issues" that XP did when it came out. Things are different enough that it takes a while for all the drivers and accessories to get updated and the service packs for Windows to handle all the issues.....

I'll try to get access to a Win 7 laptop and walk thru a manual install, since it seems that the wizard stuff (new hardware detected) doesn't work very well in "7".

Windows 8 is going to be "fun"...... :rolleyes:

i just did all this a couple of weeks ago. Wasn't too bad for the Windows 7.
Ist Download the Powerlogger files and the Window7 Drivers update.
2nd Unzip all the files on your computer.
3rd I moved the files to my C drive(Hard drive)
4th Most important is you have to have the Powerlogger plugged into the laptop with the key turned on the car(Accesory)
If you installed all the hardware correctly the Powerlogger should come up on the Devise Manager on the Control Pannel.
It should ask you if you want to install the drivers you just have to select the folder that the updated drivers are in.

Where I messed up was I selected Universal Serial Bus Port. I should of selected USB universal Port. When I plugged the PM
in I kept getting an error message. Until I deleted the drivers and reset it. I was able to get the readings from the PM after
all of that.

I still can't get the screen to go full size on my Laptop for some reason when I right click on my Windows desktop I doesn't give me the option to resize my Window to 640x1080???

hope some of this helps
Thanks for the info, Eric I tried a different cable that I borrowed from a printed and it did work to discover the power logger. I installed the drivers as I have read in various posts and i get a Device COM1 open error. I am going to go ahead and and delete the drivers and try again as stated above. Also thank you Bob for looking into it.

I finally decided to wire mine up.

I have it working and reading the normal ECM readings plus boost and the Wide Band A/F gauge, the scanmaster is hooked up and updated.

Now if only I knew how to use the darn thing...........