Neat low cost upgrade thread


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2001
The thread by Bruce Urie got me thinking we should have a sticky for this kind of thing. A one shop stop if you will.

I will start here's my $6 turbo sheild, my $5 blower motor cover, and my revamped rear seat.


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I am also going to try to ma a wiper motor cover from the same stuff a the turbo sheild
I painted my nasty looking stock turbo cover with some silver engine paint. Not bad compared to faded and rusted.
The thread by Bruce Urie got me thinking we should have a sticky for this kind of thing. A one shop stop if you will.

I will start here's my $6 turbo sheild, my $5 blower motor cover, and my revamped rear seat.

You should post details also. What was actually done, materials, price, etc
Ok my turbo cover is a pot from Walmart for $6.

The blower motor cover was oil filter cover from Summit it cost $5. I just cut it down to the right height and drilled a hole in the side for the hose.

The rear seat was sprayed with dye from the parts store. It was grey and didn't match the aftermarket front seats. Now I think it looks great.
I may have you beat... I have a friend who took a Folgers coffee can and cut it and bolted it to cover his turbo. Painted black... Not pretty but it worked and was cheap.:p

Your stuff looks good btw...
I was more like a stainless organizer or something like that. I do know it is thicker than a coffee can LOL.

I would like to see more ideas
I really like the chrome oil filter cover over the blower motor idea, may have to do that one!

Not the greatest picture of it, but you can see my "cheap" chrome upper radiator pipe/hose; Lowes, plumbing isle, sink drain section:eek::D;)


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Nice!!!! Don't cut yourself short I see some hightech wire looms there for your plug wires.

I have a extra oil filter cover, they will also fit on the AC dryer bottom half. $5.99
Ok here is some PICS of my $5 AC dryer chrome cover.

I wish more would show there stuff to give others ideas
Good idea. Might be a good idea to make it a sticky when it starts to grow.

I bought a very nice used Hooker exhaust system for $150..after I installed it...I sold the wasted,factory catyltic convertor that was on the car for $100 to the local scrapyard and someone bought the stock exhaust off the car that had the Flowmaster crossflow muffler for $50
Had a buddy with a GN that had to sell it when he relocated to PHX for his job, he could fill this thread up! If he couldn't build it with parts from hardware stores, it couldn't be done:D