My letter to poston


Aug 22, 2001
Here is my letter to poston about their headers and problems I have sealing them for the past three years!!!! Until they respond back I will never buy a poston product ever again and at this rate I probably never will since this letter was written a monthago. Hi , Hopefully you can help , About three years ago I purchased your poston performance ceramic coated headers for my 87 GN since then I've had nothing but problems with the passenger side one concerning exhaust leaks and now a crack on the rearmost cylinder next to the heater box . I've tried to seal theese headers with various types of gaskets including composite/steel, SCE copper and permatex gold with no luck I even had a problem sealing the turbo flange and had to have if modified in order to stop that leak which has been good so far . I just replaced the cylinder heads on my vehicle and was hoping a different mating surface would cure the problem even using permatex ultra seal gold but no luck with that . I recently became familier with the website in which I came to realize this is not a isolated problem and that other members also have the same problems I am having , After viewing some of the threads on the website I had seen that poston is taking responsibilty in correcting this problem which I think is very fair to all the TR owners and I think you should be commended since there are so many fly by night companies that would gladly take your money and run . Hopefully I will be hearing from you soon thank you , Benny Robles

I had the same problem as you except my car is a Hot-Air...The passenger header cracked on mine, and I didn't even know it!

When I pulled my Heads off for a ported head upgrade I sent the whole system back to Poston, and they cleaned up the flanges for me as well as they sent me a new upgraded passenger side header.

While I had (I think his name was Daryle) on the phone I asked him what the trick was to getting the Head-Header Flange to seal up. He "sold" me a set of the thick copper header gaskets they carry (They are $40), and upon installing I put them on the car. I re-torqued the headers once a day for a week, and now the headers are sealed up, and spool up is great.

Maybe you should give them a call...sometimes after a letter is read the reader intends to call the writer, but then they get busy, and the letter is forgotten.

As I said When I called them they were more then helpful, and no questions asked they just asked me to send everything back! Give them a call, and see what they have to say!
Well I never did get an e-mail back from Poston but after listening to other TR owners (thanx Doug) about the return policy I gave them a call today and spoke with Darren ,He gladly said that they would exchange them for new ones and that the company had extended their warranty for Lifetime!!! I was thrilled I've owned my GN for at least 3 years and have been replacing the header gasket every 3 months as the same leak would come back. I cant imagine having no exhaust leaks and not having to worry about them. It's refreshing to see good TR vendors are still around !!!:)
Originally posted by TurboRegal84

I had the same problem as you except my car is a Hot-Air...The passenger header cracked on mine, and I didn't even know it!

That's not the only thing you have that is Hot-Air!
Postons has great service, glad they took care of you. AZGN is right, after three years they didnt have to do a thing

I'll jump in echo the praises for Poston Enterprises! Top rate vendor with excellent customer service. Prolly the cheapest and fairest shipping prices to boot. I've ordered many parts from them over the years for both my Buicks. I'm sure I've paid their utility bills for the better part of a year! Although they didn't have to do a thing in your case, it restores my faith and hope in man when I see such genirosity in this gesture.
I seem to notice that mine seems to have a slight leak too on the passenger side, i purchased mine in 2000 but I got mine from mike mccoy (no receipt from postons obviously) wondered if I could get a refund? How did you go about this! Would like a set of ATR's anyways ;)

I bought a transmission kit from them this summer for my '87 GN. Turned out the tranny was totally shot, so I bought a low-mile unit from a guy here in Texas. I had lost my receipt for about two months or so, but when I found it I sent the stuff back to Poston (uninstalled) with a little note describing my situation. No problem, they credited me fully (minus shipping of course) and I couldn't be happier. Nice to deal with a fair parts vendor.
Hope everyone gets their header situations taken care of.