My grandy natty found!


New Member
Nov 3, 2009
I Dont really post on the forum but today I had to...

I have a bone stock GN with 19k and in perfect condition.

Yesterday I walked out to my driveway and realized that my car was gone. I looked for this car for 1 year and now it was just gone... I was devastated.

I filed a police report, called insurance. They said that they'll let me know if they hear anything. I kept telling them just start the paper work on the "Total Loss" claim, because there was no way it was coming back. Its gone.

at 3:30 my phone rang from Officer Wise from LAPD's finest. He said, "was your grand national stolen today." I said "yes." He said "we found your vehichle, we have a patrol car sitting on it, waiting to see if the perpetrators come out."

i said ""what if they do come out"

Officer Wise said "well hopefully we get them before they get into the car start it up also will probably have a high speed chase."

I thought... there's going to be an f'ing high speed chase with the natty? I dont know if thats a fair race.

Finally he explained that if I meet them down there I can come pick up my car and it wont get impounded. Needless to say a raced across town and got my car. The bumpers were scuffed up and the steering column was busted but other than that still in good shape, they even left my sunglasses.

ANyway I had to tell all of you.. because you all are the only ones who truly understand what it means to get the car back.