my chihuahua saves the day


New Member
Jul 8, 2003
Friday night my dog (which I inherited whan my mother passed away) wanted to go outside, at 4:00 am. I let him out. After 15 minutes I am wondering what he is doing. Then I hear him barking like he is really pissed. (he never barks) I check the back door, he is not there. Then I hear a diesel truck running. It all comes together in my 4 am clouded mind. I run to the front door to see the motion light on and my dog by the fence having a fit! All this time my 49,000 mile GN is sitting under the carport not blocked in as usual. As I come out I hear the Diesel hoofin it up the street. It was a plain clothesed tow truck trying to grab my TR. Thank god for Caesar the wonder chihuahua. He got extra treats today. Maybe I'll even give him a ride in the GN if I can get him to stop shedding. Needless to say the GN is not at my house for a repeat of the other night. It is safe and sound with the theft deterrants active and cars in front of it.
All TR owners should have a chihuahua.