Mouse control, Irish spring or peppermint oil?

AA++ for fabric softener dryer sheets. Moth balls work well enough but that smell stayed in the car way to long. A box is around $2 and I distribute all the sheets around,trunk,front and back seats, especially under the hood.


Does that really work? Someone sent me an email about it. I live 200 feet from a forest preserve and come winter time .They start moving in.I had a company come out and put some black boxes with green stuff in them.the stuff dries them out and they die. But it sucks when the little women is watching tv and one walks out from under couch looking like it is drunk and im at work:biggrin: mice must be german because my rott wont eat them:biggrin:
Why screw around with traps and poison, etc. and just deal with the problem:confused: . It isn't a rule that you have to have critters come in your house or your garage:rolleyes: . Find out where there coming from and be done with it. I like knowing I can pass out drunk on my living room floor and not have to worry about company...unless its the wife;)
Surround the wheels with a s hit load of glue boards and keep the car away from anything they could jump off of onto your car like shelving. You need to kill the little bastards to keep them from multiplying. All the other things mentioned will or might deter them but if it gets very cold in there (and i know it will up here) they will go into your car regardless of mothballs or any other deterents. Having a couple cats around keeps the mouse population down quite well also.
Thanks fellows

My car is outside, no garage.

Now for the house:
I had declared war on them. I have one of the new electronic (suppose to send electro magnetic signal pulse on the wiring and bother them) pest control it helped (In the house). But this was the same time I used 30 + cans off great stuff sealing every crack I could find in the field stone foundation. Also between the sill and foundation. And while the invasions where greatly reduced, I still got one every once in a while. (Deer Mice)

I agree, Find where they are coming in and fix it is the best route. But I can not find where the occasional pests are coming from. I should lift the house and pour in a concrete foundation. No $$$ to do that.

I am allergic to cats.

If I could I like to get tracking deceive on one of these little varmints and find where they are coming from. But now that is a little out of reality.

I had the electronic "ultra sound” units, that really did not do anything.

Thank the good lord Jesus, the thing that has been working is the peppermint oil. Nothing in the traps and nothing in the decon (cob webs growing over the decon). Now the house smells peppermint. Where it always had a musty smell before. The Basement is (the old part of the house) is on field stone and ledge and dirt floor. When we get heavy rain, water comes in one side and out the 4” drain my Grandpa installed before I was born. That why the house always had a slight musty smell (My father said the house always smelled like that). Also the Mice have a musty odor to them also.

Back to the car:

Starter her up to day, still smelled like peppermint, but no evendance of mice. I also noticed the Squirrels are staying about 20’ away from the car also. :biggrin:
I found out what works on rats that night.....a tire iron :cool: ....while I laid there on my back under the car, I reached over and picked up the tire iron, WHACKED him right on the mellon and he was done. Put the tire iron down and went back to work. Picked him up later...his head was a perfect U shape from the radius of the tire iron. :p


I love that!
Why screw around with traps and poison, etc. and just deal with the problem:confused: . It isn't a rule that you have to have critters come in your house or your garage:rolleyes: . Find out where there coming from and be done with it. I like knowing I can pass out drunk on my living room floor and not have to worry about company...unless its the wife;)

I agree, I just can not find where the occasional ones where getting in before the peppermint treatment began. If I do it will be plugged.
Anyone heard of or do the spray on concrete? How does that work? Could I shoot that over the field stone foundation?
My car is outside too, although it is in a carport. Still using the red wine vinegar around the car and the Mouse Away from Dreaming Earth. It is working great, I haven't any more problems with mice in or around the car and nothing in any of the traps that I've put out just to check. Best stuff that I've found so far.:smile:
Mouse Control

Use Concrete Mix Dry Powder Mixed With Cheese Powder And Put A Pan Of Water Near By They Will Eat The Concrete Mix With Cheese And Drink The Water And Then The Mouse Has A Brick In Its Belly And Soon Dies.. Works For Me
I ve heard extra fine steel wool works stuffed in and around any openings in the house or walls-they eat it to get in a space and it cuts them up inside until they die!

Where do you get the pepermint oil from...Sounds like a good idea and you say it works so if you dont mind I'd like to have the low down on where to get it and how to use it.....Thanks in advance, Tim
Where do you get the pepermint oil from...Sounds like a good idea and you say it works so if you dont mind I'd like to have the low down on where to get it and how to use it.....Thanks in advance, Tim

Here is what I get. But I get it though

They also have small sizes

Also I got some of these last week to try around the house. (mouse away solid)
All you need is a 5 gallon bucket, sunflower seeds and a piece of wood. Pour just the right amount of water into the bucket. Pour sunflower seeds into the water. Place wood as a nice ramp to the sunflower seed buffet. Critters jump in and drown.

Now the key is deep enough water, but not too deep, they can jump out.

Do not use too many seeds, mice can walk on them and jump out.

Sounds crazy!!! It works.
All you need is a 5 gallon bucket, sunflower seeds and a piece of wood. Pour just the right amount of water into the bucket. Pour sunflower seeds into the water. Place wood as a nice ramp to the sunflower seed buffet. Critters jump in and drown.

Now the key is deep enough water, but not too deep, they can jump out.

Do not use too many seeds, mice can walk on them and jump out.

Sounds crazy!!! It works.

you are crule you clown punisher.