Mobilization: One More Time


Oct 7, 2002
Our unit just got notified that we are mobilzing again. We just came off of deploying for a year in December. Spent 7 months out of last year in Cuba guarding the detainees there. I don't know where we are going or for how long, but wish us the best and keep us in your prayers. I hope I can still have access to the internet and this board if we go overseas.;)

Good luck man, I see a lot of people on other boards posting why they are deployed but I guess it may be different now. Good luck again.
i just came back from sandbox number one, going to sandbox number too, gotta love it, like a big testosterone ridden party, but guns and thousands of vehicles and thousands of HP are free to beat the crap, thank you taxpayers for allowing me to go hunting for 2 years in a row, who wants to go dear hunting when you can track something that shots back:D
Thanks Drew, Thanks Grant. You guys be as careful as you can out there.

Chris Skarzenski