Michelle from Florida (AKA) Paging Nick Micale - VERY VERY Important!

DW, must be some kind of glitch that Bruce is wanting to look into. Have her send and e-mail to tbreply@aol.com for Bruce to get info from her and we will get it rectified so she can start posting. Thanks, Mark

P.S. We can not link to TBS.com due to this IP being blocked there so I can't find any info about it there.
2quiktocare said:
DW, must be some kind of glitch that Bruce is wanting to look into. Have her send and e-mail to tbreply@aol.com for Bruce to get info from her and we will get it rectified so she can start posting. Thanks, Mark

P.S. We can not link to TBS.com due to this IP being blocked there so I can't find any info about it there.

Basicaly it says Nick Micale took advantage of a dying woman.

Remeber one thing,deletion=guilt...The link worked this morning also...
I couldn't get much out of her version of the story and won't speculate on what might have been going on between this lady and Nick. I hope things get resolved to the satisfaction of both parties.

All I know is Nick treated me first class. Based solely upon his reputation I drove my car from L.A. to Phoenix to have him do a head/cam swap. The work was top notch and it was obvious that Nick knows these cars from top to bottom and cares about the end product he turns out. I was in a hurry to get my car ready for the Vegas Nats and Nick worked with Steve Y. to get a chip burned at the 11th hour so I could make it for the race.

For a variety of reasons I sold my car, but when I do get another TR Nick will be the guy I trust to work on the car.

Ben,,,good to see ya :cool:

You keeping Wells in line out there :eek:

That old fart :p
Its Time I bring a few things to the table ,(board).

I have been watching the thread CDNGN vs Nick @ Turbobuicks.com http://www.turbobuicks.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39669 Because it was "missed placed / lost" here... (I mean deleted).

Well I want this board and the others to know That I (Jesse) , Joe (gofstbuick) & Geoff (geoff87) did not ban or restrict CDNGN from posting on TB.com nor did we delete any threads or post by CDNGN in reguards to CDNGN allagations against Nick Micale.
Who ever "Ban" or "Suspended" CDNGN account must be a admin , and I am sorry to say that this did not / does not happen by some "glitch".

I want the members and guest of TB.com to know that on my return to TB.com as a admin Bruce (The owner) gave me full control of all non tech forums....with no interferrance by him (Bruce) or any mods or admins in all my forums located in the... Market place , Miscellaneous and Regional areas.
He gave Nick all tech forums and I agreed I would not interfer with his sections.
This was done because I could not agree or accept the way Nick , Bruce and Travis (when he was here) ran / run the board , and Bruce agreed to the seperation of adminstration on the board and gave me the non tech forums because of my years of dedication to TB.com.

So with that said if CDNGN wants to post her dealings with Nick on TB.com she has my (Jesse) , Joe (gofstbuick) and Geoff (Geoff87) full support to do so in the feedback forum without interference by anyone also ...CDNGN I have reactivated your account.

If in the future any member has any kind of problem on TB.com that is non tech related please contact the following:

Gofstbuick (Joe)

We will do the best we can to help you.

I like this comment a member made on TBS.com and think its a good idea.

The only fair thing to do would be for them to make the post a "sticky," and when (or if) the situation is rectified (to the satisfaction of both parties) an explanation should be given. Then we can all decide who we believe. Silence, in some cases, is golden. This is not one of those cases.

If we are to publicly villify certain individuals for their dealings, and you all know that we have, we lose credibility by playing favorites. In this case, I think an explanation is warranted.


I will warn all that the rules and guildlines of the feedback forum must be followed , the rules and guildlines are posted in a sticky at the top of the page.
That member has a right to post her grivience without interference from this board. We are all big enough boys and girls to deal with board issues on this board. And sorry to offend anyone (from other boards), but we don't need Turbobuicks.com or T6p to have our issues decided there. We will take care of our board, because this is our community for the benefit of not only the vendors, but our members and friends as well. You will get no intervention from me and to Nick and Michele, I hope your situation can be amicably worked out.
Since everyone else is too scared to say anything,

I will :smile:

Jesse, Joe, and Geoff - You 3 need to be commended for trying to preserve some shred of integrity on this board (at least in the areas you can control).

Banning members and deleting threads is akin to shredding documents at Enron (and we all know where those crooks are now).

Silencing this member and deleting her thread forced her to post on another site where this vendor is apparently not held with same collective high regard as he is here.

You could say that the ultimate backfire has occurred :eek: The only thing proved at this point is that making things dissappear and playing dumb doesn't make a problem go away, rather it sends it spiraling recklessly out of contol to the detriment of both parties involved.

How many times will this scenario have to play out here again and again before a lesson is learned. :confused:
My personal knowledge of this post is that it was located in two forums. Those two were merged into one post. No post made by the starter was deleted and there was only one post and it was not from an involved party. Bruce asked me to have Michelle herself contact him so he could go into it with Jesse to correct. To my knowledge that was never done.
Broke one, your comment about the link workings is because your IP isn't blocked there, our IP here is however and I could not access info there.

No one will delete a thread when a vendor or admin is involved here. Anyone thinking so is just working on pure paranoia. If Michelle's posting was blocked, I can't see that being done with intention, but stranger things have happened. Knowing Nick the way I do, he would have been the first to make it a sticky and resolve the matter or settle it one way or another.

This is an issue that should be resolved by the parties involved and if not, then Michelle can post in the feedback forum which is set up just for this very reason.

On a side note, Nick does not go to TBS.com, so you won't get his attention there. Try calling him or e-mailing him.
Now I'm curious,

2quiktocare said:
Broke one, your comment about the link workings is because your IP isn't blocked there, our IP here is however and I could not access info there.

Please post a screenprint of what you get when you follow that link or type www.turbobuicks.com into your web browser. Blocking an IP prevents a person from posting and shouldn't interfere with their ability to read posts, follow links, or access the site.
You are not authorized to view this page
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If you believe you should be able to view this directory or page, please contact the Web site administrator by using the e-mail address or phone number listed on the www.turbobuicks.com home page.

HTTP 403.6 - Forbidden: IP address rejected
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Technical Information (for support personnel)

This error is caused when the server has a list of IP addresses that are not allowed to access the site, and the IP address you are using is in this list.

More information:
Microsoft Support

That is copy and paste of the page. Pretty simple huh?
Well that is weak IMO,

Maybe it's a glitch? have you tried contacting the webmaster over there about this? Can you think of any reason you would be banned from there? Hopefully this can get straightend out in the next 48 hours.
2quiktocare said:
My personal knowledge of this post is that it was located in two forums. Those two were merged into one post. No post made by the starter was deleted and there was only one post and it was not from an involved party.

I cannot find that post.

2quiktocare said:
This is an issue that should be resolved by the parties involved and if not, then Michelle can post in the feedback forum which is set up just for this very reason.

I whole heartedly agree

2quiktocare said:
On a side note, Nick does not go to TBS.com, so you won't get his attention there. Try calling him or e-mailing him.

I will start here, Nick being a friend, I will always support and believe my friend. I still believe the two parties will need to work their issues out. And outside of the rhelm of the board. I hope when all the dust is settles, Nick is the one who is right. That is my belief for my friend. But her ability to post was denied and she responded by posting on TBS.com and Nick posted a response on T6P. Therefore, I return to one of my primary concerns: We don't need Turbobuicks.com or T6P (or any other board for that matter) to be used to resolve any Turbobuick.com issue. We're all the same people on the major turbo Buick boards. We all talk about the same things, are happy, concerned and for the most part care about our member, but mostly our friends (major emphasis on the word friends). Again, I return to: Why wasn't the issue and response taken care of here?
Hopefully this can get straightend out in the next 48 hours.

IMHO, we need to get past this 48 hours bs and move forward. We are a community of friends. Sure we'll have some bad days, but lets leave the old wounds behind. Maybe it's best to agree to disagree. But in reality, what does 48 hours have to do with the issue at hand?
First off Cartman, we were told we couldn't and wouldn't be allowed to post there. it is not a glitch. Second off, this is not something that reoccurs over and over here. If that is your thought, then you are in the wrong location.

To make snide remarks and make a moral equivalence between this and Enron shows desperation at making a mountain out of a mole hill. If there is something to be worked out between the two principles in this dispute, that is their private business. If Michelle is unhappy with the resolution, we have the feedback section just for that very purpose.

I am sure Michelle knows how to reach any of us here at TurboBuick.com and could have done so if she had tried to resolve this in a civil manner.

The board has integrity, which is the very reason some choose to do all there complaining elsewhere so it will be received with a more sympathetic ear. Yet a few come back and try to stir every situation they can just because they hide behind a computer screen and try to act as though they are alone the purveyors of truth and righteousness.

The whole point of this last post was to slight Nick and this board. You come here by choice and hopefully not just to get in the middle of something that effects your life in no way. The truth will lie in if this conversation is carried out here, or if it is taken back there to fuel the cynics

This is a sad story for all involved. I do not know either of these people so I do not have any "agenda" here. As some of you may remember I have have recently sold all of my turbo Buicks. I sure do not miss this kind of stuff.
I have been away for several months and nothing has changed.