Meaning of #'s on compessor and writing on backplate.


Carless Loser
May 24, 2001
I just took of my turbonetics turbo for smog. I was examining it and noticed that raised on the metal between the compressor blades - "I" then a few blades over "259" and a few more "A."
I assume it labels the compressor wheel somehow. Can someone decode this.

Second, written on the backplace in permanent marker was "0.4 50K" Have any idea what that might mean?

I bought the turbo from some guy years ago. I was never really sure of what the deal was with it. Maybe this will inform me somehow.

One last question, the compressor wheel has small nicks along the top edges of the tall blades. Is that normal wear or could there be something wrong with the filter or something?

Thanks alot guys.