Malingering Service Techs?


New Member
Dec 22, 2004
They passed out new cell phones at work today. Seemed kind of wierd since my phones only a couple months old. Well I found out the're going to be able to track our every move with them. Their plan is to track us for a week and then call us in the office and tell us how many hours we screwed them out of.Well their plan failed because I found out. I'll be a model employee next week [so it'll be like every other week] :biggrin: I'd really like to mess with them though since they're being so sneaky about it. Anybody know how to block the signal? :cool:
Why don't you leave the phone in the office? And to block the signal, just disconnect the battery.
I do my job. But the hours I work I sometimes go to the bank or store on their time. I see nothing wrong with that. Their just a bunch of office poges with to much time on their hands.
I'd leave it in the drop ceiling at a strip joint near one of your accounts.

Phone it in as lost from a payphone. :p

Then everyone will know they are tracking you when "they" find it so easily. ;)

I used to work service and skipped many a lunch working on stuff so when I took 5 minutes for a bank run on friday to cash my check I didn't think it was a big deal.

Same with stopping at a store/mall at 2-3pm for a half hour when I missed my noon lunch to make sure something was done right and completed.

Never had a phone however, I planned my own day including early and late hours as needed for each account, some required 6am service calls some at 8pm.

If they gave me a phone let alone a tracking one I would have quit. I certainly wouldn't talk and drive with one. They are a serious distraction to an organized worker.

Especially with the caliber of calls that would be received, like where did you leave some paperwork, how do you fix this, when did you ship this part, all stuff that could easily wait until the next day or you got back to the office.

But it's their company so you just have to figure out clever ways to exploit the current set of rules they impose, assuming a larger corporation, I was lucky and worked for a smaller one where I was trusted a bit more.

Just my .02, time to get creative. :cool:
Like jack said just do what you are being paid for. If you are a straight commision salesman then you are on your time but if you are salaried or hourly just work like your paid too. Guess it is the american way to try to get something for nothing.
The only ones getting something for nothing are the candy asses sitting in the office trying to catch one or two bad apples [which i am not one of] screwing around. I been here over 6 years, maybe missed 2 days work. I don't deserve to be treated like the red headed step child and I am pissed about it. It's like big game or something. Thrill of the hunt. It's a bigger waste of time and money than a trip to the bank or store. We also have a profit margin we have to meet each month which we all exceed.
Speaking as one who has a little computer in his truck that tracks his every move..... Don't sweat it and don't take offense to it. If your doing what your supposed to be doing then who cares. Things like this are to catch the guys who are not doing what they need to be doing. If your a model employee then this shouldn't bother you at all. It will just provide unargueable proof of your performance which could come in handy when its time for that promotion or pay raise.
Just because you are doing what your suppost to doesnt mean sh*@. My company tracks us in our vehicles and also tracks us with are cell phones. The problem is this if for any reason you piss someone off or say something that might be allittle deffesive they pull are GPS records for the past year and try to find something. And if they cant find something they will make something up. Do you remember why you were here for X number of minutes 8 months ago? :rolleyes:
I don't remember what I did last week, let alone 8 months ago. If they wanted to help productivety they should pay incentive. But our trucks aren't stocked well enough for that.
Ihef you are implying that the money they pay you now isnt enough to induce you to do a complete days work. To the company it is enough for them to expect a full days work. The dilema is they are the ones doing the paying therefor have the right to those expectations, or you need to find work elsewhere. Put yourself into the place of the payee and it will be more clear to you.
If I was you, I'd go in and ask for a meeting with your boss, and one guy up if available, tell them the situation, don't be angry, moody or rude. Lay it out like it is. You work hard, you put in extra hours, and sometimes you take some time back. Ask them if the intention is to eliminate the time you take back. If it is, tell them that you're going to be doing only the work you're paid for in future - that is the consequence of not allowing you the responsibility of an adult.
I don't see why my work ethic keeps getting brought up rtviper. It's not my my intention to goof off on company time. I just enjoy the freedom I have. I'm an American. I'm on call this weekend. I left on my first call at 8am. I get paid from the time I leave my house to the time I return. I had 5 calls today and they were all strung out. I could've drove home after each call [30min each way] and added a few hours to my timesheet. But I hung around the shop instead. Get it? Got it? GOOD!
With a tracking systyem, if they want to nail you, they will. There is no such thing as a "perfect" employee. You are bound to break some rule or policy as miniscule as it might be sooner or later. I'm not saying it's not fair for an employer to track you. It's their company and you work for them but it seems like they could use it as a tool to discriminate against an employee.