Lost my Dad last night......


Sorry to hear about your loss. I know it's got to be hard loosing your Dad. I think my life would stop if I lost mine. He's probably one of my best friends.

Condolances and prayers are always there.

Call me sometime,
My deepest condolences Doug. Your dad sounded allot like mine. Beat cancer once. Fell out of his tree stand and crawled out of the woods with 4 cracked ribs and was back in the tree weeks later. Recovered from just about anything life threw at him in record time. Lost my dad to cancer when I was 27 and he was 56. He fought the cancer once and it kicked his butt and I think he just didn't want to go thru all that again. He was my best friend as well as my father so I know what your feeling. I think about him just about every day. Just always remember all the fond memories you had with him. He lived a nice full long life. As long as they never die in your heart they will live on forever inside.
You have my thoughts and prayers! This post makes me so sad I can hardly type. My Dad means alot to me, and we do the TR thing together. In a few years, God willing, there will be 3 generations of Crims on the race track. It took 15 minutes to type this post! Had to stop 3 times because I couldn't see the keyboard.:frown: Again, you have my thoughts and best wishes.

I am sorry to hear of your loss and will keep you and your family in my prayers.
prayers sent. I hope you and your family find comfort through this. Very sad to hear.
It will be 21 years to the day in 5 days that I lost my Dad. I know exactly how it feels. I was only 16 and my Dad was 52, died the same way from a massive heart attack, passed in my arms while my brother was on the phone with 911.
You and your family are in our prayers. Remember all the great times you had in his long and great life and all the times you made your Dad proud.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss.
The man had a great life and his legacy will live on with you and
all the other people he has touched in his life.
May God bless your famliy and I pray that you can celibrate his
life more than mourn his passing.
I pray that God will give you strength and wisdom to help you and your family through this very difficult time. I lost my dad almost 10 years ago, I still want to call him and tell him about what's going on in my life. My son is 1 month old today and he will never get to meet his grandfather. Your father sounds like he was a great man you have alot to be proud of always remember that.

If you need anything just ask.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. I can't imagine what it's like to lose a parent. He lived a good, long life, and I'm sure gave you many many memories to remember him.

God bless,
-John & Michelle
In one way I'm grateful you shared this with us. My dad is 83. He's in good health, but at his age I know he could go at anytime. We live about an hour apart and I see him about once every two months. Like you, he has been my hero and best friend all of my life. After reading about your sad loss, I just called him and we agree to get together once a week for breakfast or whatever. He was glad I called.
The sad truth is that all of us have to lose our dads some day. Once again, I'm truly sorry for your loss. Enjoy all of the great memories you have of him.
So Sorry to hear that buddy. You and your entire family will
be in our prayers. Let me know if there is anything Kay or I
can do for you guys. Take Care!!!!!!!!God Speed!!!!!!!!

Fred's Turbo Performance
I am sorry to hear of your loss. Hopefully hearing from others who care and have felt the same loss will help you. I lost my dad in 1988 to his tenth heart attack. ( age 56 ) Your dad and mine sound like the same kind of STRONG fighters. Some of that courage and strong will had to have been passed on to you. Time will take the edge off the pain and allow your mind to keep his memory alive inside you. Take care - Wayne
Doug, we are very sorry about your loss, You are in our thoughts.

The crew of A&A Performance