Looking for t-top parts.


Cold Air 84
Apr 8, 2005
I need the weather strips on the actual t-tops as well as the protective plastic that is along side the glass. i don't know if i explained this well enough, you know the plastic that surrounds the three actual glass sides of the t-top, well mine has all broken off and i can't find where to buy some more. Also, when i bought new t-top weather stripping it didn't include the seals for the actual t-tops so now i've got these great door and actual top seals, but my window has a big hole at the top in the rear. if anyone knows where i can purchase these parts, please let me know. thanks in advance.
I Took That Plastic Off Mine And Never Replaced It ,i Didnt Feel It Was Really Needed And The Seals Are Still Avail From Gm Or Metro Moulded Parts In Minneapolis
Yeah, you can take off the plastic that is around the edges of the glass. They didn't put that on the 87's. Here's a diagram of the t-top parts: http://perfauto.tripod.com/data/12-240.pdf It looks like it's #9 in that diagram. They're discontinued but a dealer might be able to do a locate and find some. The other part you need looks like #20. Any dealer can get it. If you replaced #1, did you remember to replace #10 also? Check prices here: PandG_Chevy

what exactly is number 10? do you think i could just take the plastic from one of those cheap poster frames and make it work?