Loading speed?

Chuck Leeper

Toxic old bastard
Staff member
May 28, 2001
What's going on w/ the load speed?? I have DSl here, and it's a looooooong time to load, to go from one screen to another, etc.
Also, the home page pic comes up as a box w/ a "X" in it.. have not seen that before.
One more item. Why are the items on the home page from nearly 2 yrs ago, still there?
[This forum has 2 yr old posts in it too??]

Inquiring minds want to know!!:D
I've got a cable modem and this is the SLOWEST site ever visit.
Back to "normal"...

Now the loading and response is back to where it should be.. Fast.
I guess ol Bruce turn the boost up to about 25psi!!:D :D