Limping '87 GN vs riced CRX


Mar 13, 2005
This happened to me awhile ago. I barrowed my dads ailing GN (bad coil, didn't know it at the time). Minding my own buisnes driving home, and a CRX pulls up next to me, coffee can, stickers and all. He revs on me at the red light. I let him go the first 2 times, not wanting to be the one that blows the motor up. Finally I tired of him at the third light. Light turns green and I let him get about 2 car lengths on me (I rolled off the line), then I "drop the hammer", half throtle, never went above 9lbs of boost (would crap out at 10lbs). By the next light I had him by 5 car lengths with him ringa, ding, dingin behind me. Even an ailing TR is better than a ricer.

"Whats it got in it?"
"A V6."
"Shoulda got the V8."
Best line I've heard yet.
That V-8 thing always cracks me up. My wifes family owes several auto salvage yards and while visiting here the other day one on the counterman and I had an interesting exchange over an LT-1 sitting on the showroom that went something like this:

Him "Hey man you need to get that engine to put in your black car."

Me "Why would I want to slow it down??" :D
I'm still waiting to find that factory twin turbo 87 GN that everyone seems to have a buddy who knows about and there's only like ten in existence;)
Congrats on the slaughter!!
my uncle still tells me the gnx's were twin v8's and he wont believe me that ther just 3.8's , what would i know im only 22 ?
hehe. Gosh ive hade a few comments when telling this import guy (he's cool so i wont label him a Ricer) but i was telling him bout how i want a GN, and

he said 'isnt that the twin turbo car?'

i said 'nope, single turbo....powering a little V6''

he says 'V6....GAY!!''

His car is a Civic Hatchback with the GS-R motor in it, or something. He ran a 14.3 at the track. It was his first time at the track.

Besides that, i cant wait till i get my GN/TR so i can whoop him.

Yea, I caught that too the 1st time I saw that vid. What a dope. An "expert" on the car getting caught in one of the biggest urban legends in the TR - Sy/Ty community. Now if he'd said the GNx was a twin turbo.....:rolleyes: