Lear-Seigler Fabric?


New Member
Jul 27, 2010
Does anyone know of a source for the Lear-Seigler fabric used on 84 GN? This question has probably been asked many times in the past and I am new to this web site and the GN world. Is the fabric available?
I know a guy that has few rolls of the exact match here, I got some to make a repair in my 84. Nothing against Brian, I still do business with them, but they sent me two dif pieces the size I need and the embossing on the fabric wasn't quite the same as on the 84. They may have got that straightened out since then though, and they did refund the fabric for me. I just happened to go looking through a local upholsters fabric storage and found three rolls of it.
I would like to get a sample. I need a couple of yards. Can you give me contact information?
X2! I need to do both the front and back seats so I probibly need a lot of it.:frown:

If this is for your '82 GN, then you want fabric from an '82. The '84 GN uses a different type of gray (sort of brownish compared to the '82 silver-gray).
If this is for your '82 GN, then you want fabric from an '82. The '84 GN uses a different type of gray (sort of brownish compared to the '82 silver-gray).

Thanks Rich. I didn't know that. Now I have another challenge to find the right color.:frown: Glad to see you on again.:cool: