Laptop processes


Well-Known Member
Staff member
May 28, 2001
I have a laptop that I use for XFI. I also have MacAfee antivirus program on it since I go online with it to update my minimal programs on it. I basically have IE, Windows 2000 SP4 as the OS, XFI and Adobe

I want to shut off the MacAfee so I conserve my battery life, how do I do that?


Billy T.
you can google AnalogX they have prog called (start up cop) which i use to control my start up processes, its free

also they have MaxMem which clears ram I use that also

both work great, free


Stop the Services

If you right click on my computer and click manage. The computer management Box comes up. expand the bottom option and click services. If you want it completely off you can disable the services by right clicking on Mcafee services to the the right (i believe there are three:McAfee Framework service, McAfee McShield, and McAfee Task Schedule. the names depend on what version of McAfee you are using.) I wouldn't suggest disabling the services completely because then it will never run. However if you just Right click on them and click "Stop". The services will stop running until you either start them again or re-boot. Let me know if you need any other clearification :)