Just bought first gn need some help anyone live near tampa thanks

charles bradley

New Member
Aug 5, 2012
Ordering scan tools scan master and power logger car runs good but it doesn't idle right like I have a vacuum problem
I believe supersix lives in the area so you might try PMing him or post in the florida section on the board for help.;)
Don Cruz lives there too. He was great help to us up in the Panhandle. If you want his number PM me and I'll pass it along ;). Congrats on the new purchase
Don Cruz is in Tampa. Not sure if he has time to do what you're needing. JD is close and does work on customer cars. I would PM JD first. He will get it straighten out.
thanks a lot that looks like it could be the problem need to get it streightened out just ordered some go fast parts for it but need to get it running right before i do anything
That is a good attitude. Many people start modifying stuff before their car runs right, then can't figure out if the new parts contributed to the problem or not. My smoke machine finds vacuum leaks real quick. It is a good investment. Check craigslist as that is where I found mine.
That's JD. Look up. He will get it right. One heck of a guy. He will do you right and you will make a good friend in the process.
i cant find the iac screw i dont see any pastic or rubber cover i can remove to get to the screw please help lol got scan master iac is 80 to 90
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