Its always something!


Jul 18, 2002
Now I've done it and my wife is going to kill me. I put my heart before my head and bought a clear-titled parts car.

Living here in Phoenix, buying a car in Jersey was pretty stupid, but the price was right! Knowing transport costs from experience (My '83 T is from Oregon and cost over $600 to ship) I can imagine that it is not practical to bring it back cross-country.

So here's the deal. I picked it up for the seats, console, door panels, bumper strip, some interior stuff, but mostly THOSE WICKED WHEELS. What I propose is that if there is somebody on the East Coast who wants the shell, engine, steering wheel, etc. I will GIVE what's left to them in exchange for stripping and paying to ship the parts I need (and we can discuss the parts list based on shipping costs).

NOTE: It does appear that the non-turbo 3.8 engine runs, as the alternator in the engine picture is spinning!

Alternatively, if there is someone out West (preferably within a few hours of Phoenix) who needs the stuff, if they pay to get the car to me, I'll strip it and send the rest on its way.

I'm posting this here in Before Black first to give the people who have helped me out in the past the opportunity help themeselves. Don't feel obliged, as I will extend the offer to the masses if I don't get a response. Also, please tell me if this seems unfair and I'll go to plan B.

Contact me at:
Your wife ought to take your ebay ID from you. ;)

You may want to consider calling Trey Crease near Philly, PA. He parts Regal and might be willing to drive up to Jersey if the deal's right.

What's wrong with the car (why is it a parts car)? Is it driveable?

Next time, buy a car near Chicago. ;)
Originally posted by b4black
Next time, buy a car near Chicago. ;)
Or Altanta. It's a very nice looking car, I can see why you wanted it. Heck I'd like to have the body, to bad it's so far.

Fred how about you....
Damn that body is in good shape. That is clean looking. Get the whole thing and store the spare parts.
I checked once before and it was like $1200 from Pennsylvania to SW Washington. By the way Jim, I added you to my AIM.
Originally posted by pat83t
I checked once before and it was like $1200 from Pennsylvania to SW Washington. By the way Jim, I added you to my AIM.

I shipped a car from NC to Seattle....$1295 and that was in 1994.
From PA to me now is about $500.....I need to get a trailer, than I could go get it myself.....(note to self....make friends with some one w/car trailer)

I'll have to add you to my's just I never remember to start the darn thing....