Its a Liger

Way back in Octoberish 1997 there was a drug dealer back home (Metro Detroit) that owned one of these. He used to feed people that owed him money to the liger!

Well one day the liger got out and was roaming around the city for like two weeks. It was wild, no one could find the damned thing. If I remember right the Fox 2 Newschopper found it because it had infered cameras or something and found it at night.

I think it ate somebody while it was on the run. Anyone else from back home remember this?
Originally posted by Shane
Way back in Octoberish 1997 there was a drug dealer back home (Metro Detroit) that owned one of these. He used to feed people that owed him money to the liger!

Well one day the liger got out and was roaming around the city for like two weeks. It was wild, no one could find the damned thing. If I remember right the Fox 2 Newschopper found it because it had infered cameras or something and found it at night.

I think it ate somebody while it was on the run. Anyone else from back home remember this?

Dude are you making this up...:D That is the wildest story I've ever heard!
And he shoots lighting bolts from his eyes and fire balls from his arse!
I once had one of those things get in the plumbing and come up into my toilet.

Lifted lid and :eek: Ligar!
Originally posted by The Blob
I once had one of those things get in the plumbing and come up into my toilet.

Lifted lid and :eek: Ligar!

That is so weird. I lifted the lid once and found a HUGE coiled up brown rock snake in mine. I slammed the lid down on that baby so hard that I think it shot a poisonoust gas spray up at me cause it really stunk in there. I flushed it on down and that got rid of the snake but that poisonous gas smell remained for quite a while. I'm not sure my wife believes me though. When I told her about it she just shrugged her shoulders and walked away.
Nope, I swear it's true. I clearly remember it. I had this argument on my boat, but there was nobody from Detroit on there so noone remembered it. I wish I could find something on the web about it.