Iron Maiden still rocks


Turbo Milk Jug displacmnt
May 28, 2001
Went to the Maiden concert last night, managed to make it up to the 3rd row, the band still rocks after all these years.
All of the original members are in this year's tour, and an additional guitarist that was with the band in the past.
One of the few '80 bands that still has a good stage show and presence, the giant Eddie came out walking across the stage towards the end.
Only 1 new song was played, all the rest was the good old stuff that they were known for.
Amazingly, they all still have their hair :) unlike many of the other 80's hair bands that now wear wigs and hair plugs.
Dude, Bruce Dickinson still has some of the best pipes in metal.

Lucky bastard - would have loved to have seen that show!

I just put Wasted Years and Can I Play with Madness on a comp. cd. Really good stuff, there's a lot more I'd like to put together. Didn't they do Rime of the Ancient Mariner? Love that one.
The show I saw here in Akron was with Dio and Motorhead. Dio was very good and can still sing great and Motorhead was crazy loud and as fast as ever ( Lemmy is the man.) Iron Maiden was just plain awesome. One of the best shows I have seen in a long time. I saw them back in the 80's ( somewhere in time tour). They were awesome then and I can tell you they are just as tight now as they were back then. If any of you guys are Maiden fans and they are coming to your area do yourself a favor and get tickets.:cool:
Yep, Dio and Motorhead opened. As QuickSixx said, if you're a Maiden fan, go get tickets. I saw them about a year and half ago, and it was not that great, Bruce was singing, but Arian Smith was not there, and they played mostly new stuff...but this year's show was great.
Lucky Bastage

Not surprising they still Rock, they were one of only a few bands of that era that had real musical talent. They can do things with guitars that I haven't ever seen duplicated
Saw the show in Worcester MA. a few weeks ago. Lemmy is sooo cool. Dio still sounds great too.

Maiden was VERY good, they sounded great. Dickinson is a madman!

Mark F. 87 GN 11.9 @ 115
> They can do things with guitars that I haven't ever seen duplicated

Dude, you need to get out more.... :)

Unless of course you mean non-playing things like.... nevermind.

I started listening and watching these guys when Paul Dianno was singing, so some of you guys might have been in diapers! :) At the time of "Powerslave" I thought they were the best metal band in the world. Bruce was awesome - I met them via his roadie in a record store when he split from Maiden. He's a world-class fencer too as I'm sure you know.

They were never the same band without Bruce, but guitar-wise they were not the same band without Adrian. He added an element to the band the others could not and it became obvious to us guitar heads when he came back.

But in all serious... I love these guys as guitar players but please don't ever compare them to someone like Hendrix or Jeff Beck, maybe even Steve Vai. Then you can say "do things with guitars that I haven't ever seen duplicated"

Please don't take this personally! I think it's great people still like real music with instruments instead of this pre-fab stuff!