I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

Sen Joe Manchin will go down in history as the man who turned AMERICA around!

If only. I'm certainly happy he isn't going along with Biden's give away plan but I fear it will just come back and come back until they get it done, like Obamacare. The RepubliCANTS fought a long hard fight, and again, as usual, the liberals got their way as they do with everything. I don't pay much attention to the US gov's serial theatrics. Waste of brainpower.
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If only. I'm certainly happy he isn't going along with Biden's give away plan but I fear it will just come back and come back until they get it done, like Obamacare. The RepubliCANTS fought a long hard fight, and again, as usual, the liberals got their way as they do with everything. I don't pay much attention to the US gov's serial theatrics. Waste of brainpower.

I think it's important to point out, Joe Manchin's West Virginia is 98% White highest per capita unemployment-- deep-seated impoverishment in the USA -- You might want to know, West Virginia has the LOWEST Lawlessness and crime percentage notwithstanding the actuality of a gun culture with a gun in every residence, backside of every bush, tree, and scrub in every shed, hanging on every wall, with the fewest policemen per capita.

Juxtapose that to DC remembering that we're all equal and all the same -- 80% black and leads per capita in homicide, robbery, aggravated assault, and vehicle theft...has the most police per capita. Not to mention NY, Philadelphia, Detroit's, Chicago's etc crime rate --I wonder just what conclusion those who defend multiculturalism would come to? Mr. SPOOL?

But you must understand who normalized this shit. This is not just something organic that transpires normally in a society. Homosexuality is not normal. A bunch of homosexual jewish psychiatrists bribed their peers into changing the definition of homosexuality from a disgusting sexual perversion that centers around the rape of children into an attractive alternative lifestyle that destroyed the American family — or what was left of it after jewish inspired women’s liberation -- why a substantial number of women hate men. And the jewsmedia and their bought off pervert politicians went right along with the plan, since they were paid to do so by rich casino operators and intelligence agency pimp blackmailers like Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein.

It’s remarkable how quickly the transexual freaks have been forced onto the public. Within about 7 years, trannies have gone from being “sick freaks” to being “legitimate.” How did that happen? Oh, that’s right: the jew media in the West pushed it daily.

The lifestyle is obviously very unhealthy with STDs, AIDS, substance abuse, promiscuous behavior and suicide being prevalent among them.

Any rational scientist would have to conclude that there are literally no upsides to homosexuality unless you’re attempting to control the birthrate. It’s a poor choice in virtually every measurable category, both on the individual and to society at large. Any rational government who cared about it's citizens would do everything they could to reduce the prevalence of homosexuality, but instead the US and Canadian governments are doing everything they can to spread it. Please learn the history you were never taught in our schools, facts that jews don't want you to know.

Coincidently, the jews did the same thing to Germany in the 1920s after Germany lost the war. It was called the Weimar Republic. Weimar represented a time of hyperinflation, sexual degeneracy (child pornography, prostitution, beastiality) and suicide. ‘The liberal Weimar constitution imposed on Germany after the war was written by Hugo Preuss, a jew. The dominant political party of the Weimar period was the Social Democratic Party, founded by Ferdinand Lasalle, also a jew. The economic devastation of Germany under the Weimar government was extreme. German children starved while jewish businessmen bought ancient German estates for pocket change in foreign currency. The Weimar Republid represented an anarchistic assault against anything positive and good—in compliance with the jews' Frankfurt School critical theory, whose objective it was to annihilate Western culture and society.

The degenerate Weimar Republic lasted until 1933 when the National Socialists got rid of it. Hitler’s accession to power drove the Frankfurt School jew prophets to seek refuge in America, for America's current state of debilitation they are ultimately responsible.


In 1923, Lukács and members of the German communist party set up, at Frankfurt University, an Institute for Marxism modeled on the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow. ...It would soon come to be known simply as the Frankfurt School. In 1930, a renegade marxist and admirer of the Marquis de Sade, Max Horkheimer [jude], became its director.

About this same time, music critic Theodor Adorno [jude], psychologist Erich Fromm [jude], and sociologist Wilhelm Reich [jude] joined the Frankfurt School. But, in 1933, history rudely intruded. Adolf Hitler ascended to power in Berlin, and as the leading lights of the Frankfurt School were jewish [5 of 6] and marxist, they were not ... fit for the Third Reich. The Frankfurt School packed its ideology and fled to America.

Among the new weapons of cultural conflict the Frankfurt School developed was Critical Theory. The name sounds benign enough, but it stands for a practice that is anything but benign.

One student of Critical Theory defined it as the “essentially destructive criticism of all the main elements of Western culture, including christianity, capitalism, authority, the family, patriarchy, hierarchy, morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty, patriotism, nationalism, heredity, ethno-centrism, convention and conservatism.” - The Historical Roots of Political Correctness, Raymond Raehn

...Critical Theory eventually induces “cultural pessimism,” a sense of alienation, of hopelessness, of despair where, even though prosperous and free, a people comes to see its society and country as oppressive, evil, and unworthy of its loyalty and love. The new marxists considered cultural pessimism a necessary precondition of revolutionary change.

Though the Frankfurt School remains unfamiliar to most Americans, its ideas were well-known at the teachers’ colleges back in the 1940s and 1950s. The school openly stated that whether children learned facts or skills at school was less important than that they graduate conditioned to display the correct attitudes. [I have long called public schools indoctrination camps turning out shock troops for the New World Order.]

But the importance of schools in conditioning the minds of the young was soon surpassed by that of the new media: TV and movies. As William Lind, director of the Center for Cultural Conservatism at the Free Congress Foundation, writes:

“The entertainment industry has wholly absorbed the ideology of cultural marxism and preaches it endlessly not just in sermons but in parables: strong women beating up weak men, children wiser than their parents, corrupt clergymen thwarted by carping drifters, upper-class blacks confronting the violence of lower-class Whites, manly homosexuals who lead normal lives. It is all fable, an inversion of reality, but the entertainment media make it seem real, more so than the world that lies beyond the front door.”

[To his list I add Masters of Society, my name for blacks cast in the roles of the scientist, the admiral, the CEO, the doctor, in short any authority figure wisely dispensing authority and wisdom, often to confused Whites.]

For cultural marxists, no cause ranked higher than the abolition of the family. ...In The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, Engels popularised the feminist conviction that all discrimination against women proceeds from the patriarchal family. Erich Fromm argued that differences between the sexes were not inherent, but a fiction of Western culture. ...To Adorno, the patriarchal family was the cradle of Fascism.

In a third of a century, what was denounced as the counter-culture has become the dominant culture, and what was the dominant culture has become ... a “dissident culture.” America has become an ideological state, a “soft tyranny,” where the new orthodoxy is enforced, not by police agents, but by inquisitors of the popular culture. We see it in the mandatory requirement for “sensitivity training” in the military, in business, and in government. Turn on the TV and observe. The values of the revolution dominate the medium. Political correctness rules. Defiance of our new orthodoxy qualifies as “hate speech.”

...Political correctness is cultural marxism, a regime to punish dissent and to stigmatise social heresy as the Inquisition punished religious heresy. Its trademark is intolerance. [I have often said that, despite ‘tolerance’ being one of their doctrinal commandments, liberals are the most knee-jerk intolerant people there are.]

...By calling an enemy a racist or Fascist, you no longer need to answer his arguments. He must [break off his point to] defend his character.