I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

Ridiculous. It could happen in Texas but there is no duty to retreat and the castle doctrine applies. It won't stop unless it's stopped.
Let’s stir the pot another way . The R AG in Georgia is filing over a hundred felony charges against over a hundred people for voting twice. One old fart brag that he did exactly what his President told him to do . Vote twice and he did. I’m proud too have voted for my president two times. ( dumb ass ). Good job Trump, some of your own supporters are in deep shit
Sounds like a few gunshots in the background.
I don't care how tough you think you are, what color / religion / sexual orientation / gender identity you have . . . Wrong is wrong and people are going to defend themselves.
Let’s stir the pot another way . The R AG in Georgia is filing over a hundred felony charges against over a hundred people for voting twice. One old fart brag that he did exactly what his President told him to do . Vote twice and he did. I’m proud too have voted for my president two times. ( dumb ass ). Good job Trump, some of your own supporters are in deep shit
That belongs in the Trump bashing thread. Lol. I don't keep up with everything, but don't recall Trump personally telling people to vote twice. Do you have a quote or a reference of that happening?
Regardless Ray, people should know better, be honest and truthful.
Let’s stir the pot another way . The R AG in Georgia is filing over a hundred felony charges against over a hundred people for voting twice. One old fart brag that he did exactly what his President told him to do . Vote twice and he did. I’m proud too have voted for my president two times. ( dumb ass ). Good job Trump, some of your own supporters are in deep shit

1 republican and 99 DemonRats. I'll take those odds any day. :D
Watch the media be all over this "R" voting twice and crucify this person and 45 before ALL the facts are known.

They will probably find out he is a D (Richard), who faked all this to cast another shadow! (Think about it)
Watch the media be all over this "R" voting twice and crucify this person and 45 before ALL the facts are known.

They will probably find out it is a D, who faked all this to cast another shadow! (Think about it)
What got me is the AG held a press conference about this before anyone knew anything.
I have a chance to buy another very easy to carry Glock, a couple of mags, an extended mag and 650 rounds of 380 ammo and a holster to accompany it. $700

I might just go for it.
That didnt state a total number or a party breakdown, it got look into because of the old guy running his mouth. Really a shame

You can be sure it was big majority demonrat or it'd be all over the msm.

It may well be this old guy didn’t know better, hell I’m old and I do far more stupid shit now then I ever use to.

That's because we don't have to worry about or care about doing stupid. What are they going to do, fire us, send us to the principal's office, tell mommy and daddy. Mrs. might care but doubt it. :LOL:
I have a chance to buy another very easy to carry Glock, a couple of mags, an extended mag and 650 rounds of 380 ammo to accompany it.

I might just go for it.
May be a good deal, depending on how much. I’m reading about ammo shortages from you guys, their is no shortages here where I live.
You can be sure it was big majority demonrat or it'd be all over the msm.

That's because we don't have to worry about or care about doing stupid. What are they going to do, fire us, send us to the principal's office, tell mommy and daddy. Mrs. might care but doubt it. :LOL:

I'd like a trophy, like the 'tarded kid gets for just showing up.........maybe two, if I do it twice!
What got me is the AG held a press conference about this before anyone knew anything.
Sounds politically motivated as I would expect an AG to not only worry about bigger things, but follow due process.
That’s really bad, good lord makes you wonder how many Russian mail in votes Trump got in the last election. See this BS is never ending. Who in gods name knows what the hell is happening. This is as bad as I’ve seen in my life time. Kinda like when I was in the fifth grade it was announced that Kennedy was shot and killed. Everybody said the Russia’s did it. It was a OMG moment. Oh there is going to be a nuclear war now. The next week we were taught if we saw the flash to get under our desks. That would save us. And everyone believed that shit. Alway been fake news and always will be.