I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

I think you are close to the mark. I can't imagine why this power mongering is worth this much to them. Their supporters are beyond retarded and delusional. Look at the morons that want to kiss and make up now that the bad orange man has been ejected. TOO LATE. All the retards that want to kiss and make up better pull their heads out of the ass and clean up the shithole party they belong to. I think the scum are so entrenched though that it can't be cleaned up peacefully.

I can think of no other reason then we are in Biblical times and Satan is using fools to do his bidding. Remember the total destruction of mankind is the goal. Jesus has complete authority over heaven and earth so it's going to take His power to defeat this spiritual evil plaguing the people and earth.
I'm praying that America will open it's eyes and spared some of this chaos that's coming.
In other words we have not gotten a staged setup complete.

Like America is going to believe what ever they put out.