Illegal Street Racing


Funny law there! I want to see the state attorney prove that I was spectating and not "just pulling over to look at the stars". Furthermore even if there is no doubt that I was watching the race, I assume that intend needs to be proven beyond reasonable doubt. "I was driving down the street and saw people gathering and wanted the see what they are looking at and then you walked up to me, officer, right when I realized what I was looking at and wanted to walk away!"

Give me a ticket like that and I will fight in up the the Supreme Court!
I want to know how they can take points on a non moving violation or even if your in someone elses vehicle watching a race. I would have to fight it.
Originally posted by whitehot84
I would have to fight it.

and you would probably win. Call your local ACLU office if you ever get a ticket for this. They like cases they can "expand their base" with.
Here in NY, you don't get any points on a non moving violation. This wacky law hasn't reached here...yet.... What they do now is box in as many cars as possible with tow trucks, if your car has a violation - expired reg or insurance or something like that, they try to tow you off and impound the car.
im out on long island, and many of you know the small block posse website, and the tards that belong to it

so far 3 cars have been totaled due to stupidity

1 car flipped as he was "wheely-ing" down a road and got back on it and boom

2 others side swiped each other during a street race, my car will be done and no one left to race ;)
Originally posted by TurboTer
Wow, no one supports that law. Surprising. Let's here from the cops. Do you guys support it? If no, would you enforce it?

Ter and others -

First off my feel on street racing is that it has gone on since cars were on the road.. The problem is now that there are allot of teens being influenced by the 2f2f movies and thinking that they can put the S on the chest and do the same things the guys in the movies do and complimented with $$$ and cars like corvettes from the parents.. That is where the problem lies, inexperienced, immature drivers that cannot grasp the harsh and lethal reality of thier actions..

Lets all admit it, sometime in our life we have either witnessed or even participated in the almighty street race and we have been fortunate to either not get caught and the only thing that gets hurt is our pride.. Not other people.
I really have to disagree with everyone that says "Its all about the buck" or gaining more revenue. You guys really need to get a grip. Take the example of the 17yr old in Miami.. What if it was your Son?Brother? Would that make a difference? Would it made a difference if a street racer crashed into your spouse or someone you cared about and took thier life as a result of thier stupidity? Would you still think it was about the big sweet dollar? If you do then you really need a shrink.. Laws are made (good, bad, or indifferent) with the interest of safety and in most cases where a legislator has been personally impacted by ones actions.. Not really fair from that standpoint as it should be the peoples way and not the individual politician but in allot of cases that is how it works.


"Do you Guys Support it"?

Well i cannot comment about other places but their is a statute that says officer will enforce all laws defined.. Does this take away our discretion?...NO, it is that catch all phrase that law will be enforced in some manner and that the individual officer does not turn the other cheek. Could be in the form of warning, verbal or written, citation or arrest either way you are enforcing it. Now there is some legislation that there is no room for descretion.. Such as the Domestic Violence.. If a couple gets in a confrontation and there is "Probable Cause" to believe that one of the parties were assaulted.. then the assaulter goes to jail for 72hours.. NO questions asked.. out of the ofc hands.

Being perfectly honest, I dont really know how to answer that.. personally I think a spectator is a spectator, but at the same time involved in some way. So each case IMO would be handled on a per person/incident basis.. I will say this if there were aggrivated circumstances such as a death/injury the outcome would be more than a warning.

"If no would you guys enforce it?"

That comes with the job... and to clarify, enforcement can take many forms.. So I would.
Most people that think street racing is OK probably have never had a loved one hurt or killed. I think most people that feel that street racing is OK would feel a little different if they got a call from the police telling them that paramedics had to remove their mom, dad, brother or sister's body from their car in pieces because someone else thought they were too smart to make a mistake like all those other "idiots" that street race.

People say "but we all accept the risks", but I don't think a lot do. Even if you don't hurt yourself, think of the way you might have to feel for the rest of your life if somebody did get caught in the crossfire? And please, don't say "Well they should have known, it was thier own fault for going anywhere near a known street race hangout". It's not their fault and, believe it or not, a LOT of people have no idea of known street race areas.

We all have the right to be safe. And once you decide to violate my right to be safe by street racing, you are in the wrong.

I don't care how anyone tries to justify it. Street racing is worng. Take it to the track.

Just my 2¢
Good responses from Metal-box and aperrego. I don't write tickets for racing and wouldn't write a spectator ticket...I think it's a bit harsh. I WILL write a reckless (criminal) or careless driving ticket if the kids street racing are stupid. Two kids were racing last night on Federal Highway, a 40 mph road. Couldn't catch em or they both would have received tickets. On the other hand, SW 10th St west bound has almost zero side roads for about a mile and is ideal for a quick race...I rarely mess with people there unless there's traffic.

One of the [many] other threads about street racing talks about how the newest street racers race anytime anywhere. THATS the problem. Stupid people racing too fast wtih cars they can't control is bad areas. People die. Back in the day when people raced on deserted roads or at 4 in the morning the risk was alot lower so the cops didn't have to worry about it. Unfortunately those days are over for most of us.
I do agree with that. I have been involved in a street race or 2 in my time. I used to be one of those stupid kids who thougth he couldn't be hurt. Now if I race i do it on a 2 lane highway with my friend when there are no cars or traffic in sight.

I was driving in the new tunnel in Boston's famous big dig last weekend. There was a ricer weavign in and out of traffic in the tunnel. It is a 4 lane road with a 45 mph speed limit. He must have been doing 75 weaving all over the place. one mistake and he injures a lot of people. Me and my friend make a mistake and the only people we hurt are ourselves and passengers if any at the time. there is a difference.
Driving is a right, it is not a privilage. We all pay to have those highways built, maintained, patrolled, etc and the government cannot refuse anyone a licence if they meet the requirements of the law, just like any damn license.
Chris thats too funny I was at that same race on RT. 10. The race was actually between Aron with the GN and the old Gran Prix that was crazy the cops came from everywhere and I was in my buddy's '70 Mach 1 and we tried to get out of there and his car got stuck in first we were lucky not to be pulled over b/c you cant go to fast in first in a 4spd Mustang anyway sorry to get off topic.
Originally posted by metal-box
Tires blow, throttles stick; anything can happen out there no matter how careful you are...

This can happen at the track also, any type of racing is not immuned to the risk you list.

The topic is "should spectators get a ticket and possible jail time" not about actual street racing, although it relates, but not much. Most of my friends who are hardcore street racers, and look at it as a different "sport" then drag racing at the track, could care less if anyone is watching besides one person from each side watching just in case money is on the line. The "sport" as a whole has been ruined by the import community due to the young, inmature individuals who are usually the majority in this community and have no clue what they are doing. That is just my opinion though. Most real street racers, with real fast cars, don't do stupid stuff you hear about on the news. Tell me the last time you heard about a serious street race in a desolute area, where the people obviously know what they are doing result in a fatality or accident. I gurantee you the #'s of incidents like this are far less, then the ones were some punk kid in a honda or a car that is way out of his/her league raps himself around a poll.

Despite all this, the consequences that have been imposed due to the idiots who really know nothing about street racing or what they are doing, has made real street racers, who are usually experienced drivers(like I hang with) give it up all together. Which is a good thing or bad thing depending on your point of view.
Originally posted by metal-box
Most people that think street racing is OK probably have never had a loved one hurt or killed. I think most people that feel that street racing is OK would feel a little different if they got a call from the police telling them that paramedics had to remove their mom, dad, brother or sister's body from their car in pieces because someone else thought they were too smart to make a mistake like all those other "idiots" that street race.

People say "but we all accept the risks", but I don't think a lot do. Even if you don't hurt yourself, think of the way you might have to feel for the rest of your life if somebody did get caught in the crossfire? And please, don't say "Well they should have known, it was thier own fault for going anywhere near a known street race hangout". It's not their fault and, believe it or not, a LOT of people have no idea of known street race areas.

We all have the right to be safe. And once you decide to violate my right to be safe by street racing, you are in the wrong.

I don't care how anyone tries to justify it. Street racing is worng. Take it to the track.

Just my 2¢

That's all fine and dandy, but we're talking about the SPECTATORS in this thread, NOT the RACERS themselves (which is a whole other debate).
Originally posted by WakkoSS
Good responses from Metal-box and aperrego. I don't write tickets for racing and wouldn't write a spectator ticket...I think it's a bit harsh. I WILL write a reckless (criminal) or careless driving ticket if the kids street racing are stupid. Two kids were racing last night on Federal Highway, a 40 mph road. Couldn't catch em or they both would have received tickets. On the other hand, SW 10th St west bound has almost zero side roads for about a mile and is ideal for a quick race...I rarely mess with people there unless there's traffic.

I respect you for beng so courageous. Some of the idiots have said "cops have to enforce all laws" but that's not always the case. If the US Supreme Court ever gets this case (if it makes it that far), let's hope the law gets struck down.
Originally posted by TurboTer
That's all fine and dandy, but we're talking about the SPECTATORS in this thread, NOT the RACERS themselves (which is a whole other debate).

Sorry, went off on a tangent. I forgot that never happens in a thread on here.
Originally posted by GNSCOTT
Driving is a right, it is not a privilage. We all pay to have those highways built, maintained, patrolled, etc and the government cannot refuse anyone a licence if they meet the requirements of the law, just like any damn license.

But when you drive like an ass and endanger other people's well-being then, no, you don't have the "right" to be out there.

The government isn't going to deny anyone a license just for the hell of it.
Originally posted by blackshoebox
This can happen at the track also, any type of racing is not immuned to the risk you list.

Yeah, but if something does go awry, spectators probably won't be hurt, there is medical assistance and fire control available immediately, and the soccer mom driving her kids home from practice is not going to get wiped out in the process.

To be honest, I don't know what to think of the whole spectator debate.
Originally posted by TurboTer
I respect you for beng so courageous. Some of the idiots have said "cops have to enforce all laws" but that's not always the case. If the US Supreme Court ever gets this case (if it makes it that far), let's hope the law gets struck down.


If you were referring to my comment about the " their is a statute that says officer will enforce all laws defined" you obviously did not read on nor comprehend the following:

"Does this take away our discretion?...NO, it is that catch all phrase that law will be enforced in some manner and that the individual officer does not turn the other cheek. Could be in the form of warning, verbal or written, citation or arrest either way you are enforcing it."

Since you are so inciteful regarding the laws and government what have you done to either influence or change things to your perspective? Why not be the leader of the cause and go to San Diego and funnel that charge to the Supreme Court? Or better yet when you are in a life threatening situation there in the city that you live make sure you do not call those "idiots" for help.. They may be violate the rights of the nutbag that is breaking into your house or even worse..Street racing and crashed into a loved one..
Originally posted by aperrego
Or better yet when you are in a life threatening situation there in the city that you live make sure you do not call those "idiots" for help.. They may be violate the rights of the nutbag that is breaking into your house or even worse

Comparing apples to oranges are we?:rolleyes:

..Its a matter of perspective I guess, but a street racer, and someone who is robbing a house or doing "something worse" is a far cry from being in the same league in my eyes, ofcourse your opinion may vary from mine...

..what he was trying to say is maybe cops and legislators should be worrying about real criminals and not spectators or street racers, again your opinion may vary..:)

This thread could go on for ever, you will have your law enforcers on one side and those who think the laws are "restrictions" and far to strict on the other..