"IHRA Dragracing" Buick GN ??

jeffwiz87 said:
I cant figure it out either :( :mad: . i cant get find the Bethesda Softworks in the program files,I am so lost. i wish i was better at this stuff sometimes! can anyone help me?

pm me your phone number and Il walk you threw it :)
I got it working but i cannot get any cars, It says error under car , and when I go th race it turns off.
i dont see how you would not be able to only select certian cars and the game crash's. Here is a picture of where the gnx should be in the list of cars

I can't get it to wheelstand off the line, I don't know how to work the 3 step deal, can you help me :confused:
I'm using your setup, except I used the widest tires possible.

EDIT: What I'm doing is holding the trans brake, bring it to 10k rpms, then release the tbrake. But it just bogs down to 3500....lags...then moves.
Using the OP's setup, which is a 4 speed manual? And I'm launching in first.

EDIT: Tried a 700r with 8k stall...that was fun :D
That's a pretty cool game. Now all we need is tech line disputes and rules arguments and it will be EXACTLY like racing a Buick.