I see your epic tatoo fail and raise you **Ricer kid gets pwned on local forum**

Jul 28, 2008
Cliff Notes: This ricer kid was on our local forum trying to sell some POS cars, then tried trading them for weed, talked some b/s hating on domestics, got all butthurt and ended up posting up pics/names of girls he supposedly had intercourse with, turns out one was his step-sister, then the idiot threatens to call the police aka uncle SGT trooper on us, then ends up apologizing, after all of that he threatens more of our members and now one of the girls fathers wants to sue him!

**Warning this thread is extremely epic, and a long, but well worth the read**



page 15 or so is where it really pics up all the way up into the 40s
well that kid got OWNED! damn, hope he doesnt throw himself under a bus or light himself on fire.....but it might be better if they sterilize him so he cant reproduce....
*update on this tool*

kid got arrested day after holloween for throwing a pumpkin through the windsheild of an oncoming car, lol, this kid is a genuine waste of human life.
Someone needs to drum up some epic thread for TB.com.

I am on page 15....not skipped to 15, read to 15. This is somewhat humorous.
Chris Hansen checking in for duty!:biggrin:

I couldn't help it.

That thread statred out like an entact alkaseltzer...and I watched it fizz into oblivion. I read the entire thing.

......mostly because I have the day off tomorrow.
your actually our 2nd chrishansen haha, raceghatch is actually 1 of at least 3 peoples lives we've ruined....of course they all deserved it. LOL
I must say...that was one hell of a burn.

My favorite post out of the whole thing was :


i didn't invent the internet for this kind of bullsh!t.

I cried right there.