How fast can you slap the monkey

I cant slap it to good with this stupid laptop cursor pad :mad:. I can only manage 122mph but my skillz are better than that, just ask Bweavy :eek:
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER slap the monkey when you have a drink in the other hand! It went everywhere! To upset to play again, but, still mustered 303 mph though.....:mad:

Slow pokes......:D

Monkey sent flying at 810 mph........:p

edit:....make that 815 mph
Hey Gary......I've been lurking around the LS2 and Mach 1 forums for a while, but couldn't resist coming back over here. I've been watching Barrett Jackson for the past few days, and seeing the Buicks go across the block brought me back here. If I can ever get straightened out financially, thinking it will be time for another Buick or TTA.