How big is Wal-Mart?

I USED to support Wal Mart when they took PRIDE in ONLY selling AMERICAN MADE PRODUCTS.

Now its all imported JUNK, thats why its so cheap. I wonder why in the HELL they changed their ways?! I would have to blame GREED. Once Sam Walton died , all of his viewpoints died with him ---

I believe you are correct, once Mr. Walton passed on it seems the whole company took a turn for the worst.

I still remember they used to say "we're lowering our prices every day"....then the question "then how come's nothing's free yet?" came it's "save money, live better"...:rolleyes:
You're joking, right? MILF = Mom I'd Like to $%!#

Target is full of them. Rich ones too. :biggrin:

You're evidently not a senior citizen such as myself. You're so '80's, dude. I'm into the '10's, you know, I don't even look at the moms anymore, only the daughters, and before you get any ideas abouty cradle robbing seniors & elders, that's daughters 21 or older.
J/K, dude, I shop target too, but it's not like it use to be. Target's in my area, (Republik of Kali) seem to be intent on replacing the younger ones with older ones. If there's anything that I would not want to wake up next too, it's a female version of myself.
kirban 2 cents worth
......the trick is to get your product into Walmart so you can enjoy tremendous sales.
Wally World is SOOO big they tell US what to make.:eek:

The company I work for jumps through flaming hoops just to get shelf space.

Take underarm deodorant for example. We sell it in a 2.7 or 4.3 oz container. They want it in (2) 6 oz shrink-wrapped containers. And then to top it off they tell us what fragrance they think will sell the best according to their marketing gurus.:rolleyes:
Wally World is SOOO big they tell US what to make.:eek:

The company I work for jumps through flaming hoops just to get shelf space.

Take underarm deodorant for example. We sell it in a 2.7 or 4.3 oz container. They want it in (2) 6 oz shrink-wrapped containers. And then to top it off they tell us what fragrance they think will sell the best according to their marketing gurus.:rolleyes:

This is true. Companies like ziploc get TOLD what to make, and what wal mart will pay for it.

They are 2% of america's GDP. General Motors back in the day was 2.3%
If you take factoid #1, $36,000,000 per hour, and multiply by 24 and 365 you get $315 billion per year gross sales. Call that a GDP and WalMart would rank 30th in the world, between Argentina and Venezuela :). [Using the 2008 World Bank list, slightly up or down if you use the IMF or CIA lists.]

That sh!t makes my head hurt. :tongue:
Even Jesus Shops there!


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Our import laws allow them to profit way more than they should. If it wasnt for China a large % would be chopped off. Just like the auto industry which doesnt get tariffed for importing. At least profits stay in the US with Wal-MArt though unlike foreign brand car manufacturers. Built in the USA doesnt mean dick unless the parts they built it with and the profits stay here. If the corporation is based in another country thats where the profits are going. Like it or not its the truth.
exactly, one fact that has been left out.

# 13 walmart imports more made in china crap than ANY other retail store

I was reading an article in a magazine, they interviewed the owner of Lucas Oil, he vowed that as long as HE owned Lucas Oil you will NEVER see there product in ANY walmart.

Yes. I posted before i read your thread.
Screw Wally world I cant stand going in the place:mad: :mad: :mad: .
Its always shopping mayhem and a cluster. And why is there always 50 flippin checkout lines and 4 open ones???
Screw Wally world I cant stand going in the place:mad: :mad: :mad: .
Its always shopping mayhem and a cluster. And why is there always 50 flippin checkout lines and 4 open ones???

When we would get bored in HS and had nothing else to do, we would go and hangout in the parking lot of walmart and just watch all the white trash that shopped there.

so entertaining..
Too bad they can't take some of that profit to give their workers health insurance. Walmart is the epitome of what's wrong with our country.
kirban 2 cents worth

In the chart of satistics one factor has been left out.....

Of all the products they sell......what percentage has on them the little MADE IN CHINA label......

You hit the nail on the head there.....

Google something called is Walmart good for America I wish every American was required by law to watch it.

One thing that should be added to the list as well.... They drove out more American business owners than anyone else in history. :mad: :mad: :mad:
I do not shop at walmart. Years ago, before they infested the northeast, I had read where they would not sell certain records because they did not like the lyrics. Well, I do not like rap in any way shape or form, but I do not think that a store should be the moral police for a community especially after they had put the mom and pop competition out of business that would have carried the "music" without censorship.

When they wanted to plow under the Jersey farmlands and put one of their monstrosities near where I live, the township fought it for five years. The government changed over it and almost drove them into bankruptcy. But walmart was hellbent on putting a store there. They eventually did after five years of court battles. At least Home Depot had the decency to pull out of the mess. Now the store has been there for almost ten years and they still cant find anyone to work there. Most people around here commute and certainly you could not live around here for what walmart pays.

I do not buy any products made in China unless it is absolutely neccessary. I'll pay more for American products when available. If it is brick-a-brack I do not need, I don't buy it. Little by little I am seeing more American goods in Home Depot. Recently, I was doing some painting and I wanted a small pail so I didnt have to carry a five gallon bucket around. I flipped the pails over and there it was "Made in Leominster, Mass.". So I bought two.

The rallying cry has been that the evil corporations moved their operations to China to make bigger profits. Maybe so but the public bought the cheap Chinese made products rather than supporting American made products, as usual, thinking only of themselves. Now that has come around and bit us all in our collective butts.
You hit the nail on the head there.....

Google something called is Walmart good for America I wish every American was required by law to watch it.

One thing that should be added to the list as well.... They drove out more American business owners than anyone else in history. :mad: :mad: :mad:

It is a vicious cycle.

Poor working class folk own local stores and "Mom and Pop" shops, but barely make any money. They need to get their supplies cheap to stay in business, so they shop at walmart. In doing so they support their competitor who is driving them out of business, and causing them to need to look for cheaper supplies in the first place. Then after they keep shopping at walmart, and soon their customers do to, the local shop goes out of business. So now you have people who were trying to save money to stay in business, out of work because they had to go to their competitor to get their supplies.
It is a vicious cycle.

Poor working class folk own local stores and "Mom and Pop" shops, but barely make any money. They need to get their supplies cheap to stay in business, so they shop at walmart. In doing so they support their competitor who is driving them out of business, and causing them to need to look for cheaper supplies in the first place. Then after they keep shopping at walmart, and soon their customers do to, the local shop goes out of business. So now you have people who were trying to save money to stay in business, out of work because they had to go to their competitor to get their supplies.

That could some times be the case but many others out there.....

How many American made TV's companies do you think are still around thanks to Wal-mart.

I will do without before I spend a dollar there.
That could some times be the case but many others out there.....

How many American made TV's companies do you think are still around thanks to Wal-mart.

I will do without before I spend a dollar there.

You could also say how many tv companies needed to outsource their lines to china,etc because walmart demanded a certain low price that domestic labor couldn't meet?

I refuse to support walmart if I can.