Hernia = a whole new world of pain!

Tom Tom Turbo

Turbo Goes Woo Woo
Jul 10, 2002
So about a month ago, I was working on the T Type and trying to loosen some bolts that have never been off before, and I felt a small pull in my lower stomach, but it went away after a few days and I thought nothing else of it. Thursday night, I had just gotten home from a light workout (running, few games of basketball, and some aerobics) and I layed down on the couch. As I went to get up, I felt the worst pain in my entire life.

Drove through a crappy blizzard/ice storm at 3am to the ER, only to find out that I had an incarcerated hernia, as well as a torn abdominal wall, and somehow my lower intestine managed to work its way through the tear and get stuck. After laying on a gurney for 7 hours before getting into surgery, I finally made it into recovery.

I can't work for 10 days, and no lifting, running, or stretching for 6 weeks.

This sucks big time, as my holiday snowmobile plans are ruined....

The doc told me that these are hereditary, and it makes sense, 4 generations of guys in my family have had one before they are 30....I'm only 23.

Anyone else had one, and were you afraid to do things even after the weeks had passed? I really don't want this again....ever!
I haven't experienced THAT before. If it's anything like a torn rotator cuff.......I FEEL your pain! Or anything like a herniated disc(s),....I FEEL your pain! Or if it's anything like having your 1st rib(s) removed, I FEEL your pain! Or, if it's like..........Ok I'll stop, my carpal tunnel is acting up;)
Speedy recovery! Do what the docs say to do. You'll heal MUCH faster if you do what they say. Good Luck!
Tom, i had a hernia, mine was a ingunail one (down with my boys, there was a homie in the hood) Anyways, i had mine last year about this time, and i dont know how i got it, but when i 'got it' it, i didnt realize it until i had it, and i dont remember a pain down there.

I couldnt walk after my surgery, my 'boys' got in a lil fight since they were black and blue from the surgery. I walked around with a cane for about 1 week. It sucked but not bad now.

After i had mine, my friend had the same one as i did also, then my friends brother got the same kind also. They're came with no pain and no cane, but mine was a painful one. The after surgery pain that is. But after i got my surgery, i went to sleep on my stomach and the nurses really couldnt belive i could sleep on my stomach after having surery on my unit and having an IV in me.

Hope you feel better soon man, i know your hurt.

....Some odd reason, now where mine was, it kinda hurts now....:eek:

I had mine fixed before it popped out like yours did. Took two weeks to heal to the point where it didn't hurt when I tried to sit up in bed..etc...

Yeah, the boys get all funny colored but I never showed anyone...offered to...all refused to look...nutty!

I had the misfortune of having a chest cold at the time so I did a lot of coughing..you know..the kind that you use your lower ABDOMINE to accomplish? That wasn't so fun.

To this day it still gets tendor down there but supposedly once fixed it is stronger than ever.

Speedy recovery!
It was odd, i wouldnt have thought it'd be numb in the area where they did the cutting for about 6 months.

My friend and his brother didnt have trouble/big pain after they had theirs. Maybe mine was worse?

When ever people would ask to see where they cut and i'd start to lift my shift and put my finger in my waist band they'd all 'ah!! nevermind! i didnt know it was there!!!'

the numbness is there because they had to cut through (sever) the nerves in that area. It can take a long time and perhaps never for the nerves to rejoin.

When they do...you get these lovely sharp jolts of pain for a second like someone stuck a pin in your belly.

Did your doctor discuss the liklihood that they other side needs to be done as well? :eek:
kinda scary about the nerve thing, it is numb down there, and it takes awhile to start peeing. Well, I don't feel too bad, and I have been up walking around a bit, doesn't hurt too bad. So much for snowmobiling over Christmas vacation :(
years ago...

had mine at 18....15 years ago and i can never forget the feeling. still to this day that area is sensitive and tender. the doctors said its the nerves and slight spastic colon from surgery that will never totally go away:( i had mine at birth they believe that was missed being so small but after years of sports...pow!!!!!! remember that surgery like it was yesterday:) alex
kinda scary about the nerve thing, it is numb down there, and it takes awhile to start peeing. Well, I don't feel too bad, and I have been up walking around a bit, doesn't hurt too bad. So much for snowmobiling over Christmas vacation :(

If you are taking pain meds, you will have a hard time peeing. Just a side effect of the pain meds. Once you stop with the percocet or vicoden, peeing will comence normally. Once you are over 40, pain meds will have an effect on "other functions" too. So, I've been told.....:eek:
I had mine fixed in 1995. I was out of work for a month and a half. The Dr. said since my job involved lifting and straining he wanted me to be out for 6 weeks. I was also numb for a while also.
a co-worker came to my office today. It was his yearly pilgrimmage. He told me about his surgery on his disks in his back. They fused them together, put a plate in the back of his neck, injected something into his vocal cords, and I don't know what else. He was walking a day after surgery and went home a day later. Anyway, what does that have to do with you? Absolutely NOTHING! I just thought maybe misery loves company. Get well quick. Oh, and kick your dad's ass for giving it to you! Or knock over his Harley just for revenge.
kinda scary about the nerve thing, it is numb down there, and it takes awhile to start peeing. Well, I don't feel too bad, and I have been up walking around a bit, doesn't hurt too bad. So much for snowmobiling over Christmas vacation :(

I just had a hernia operation on Tuesday. Not as bad as your experience but recovery is a bitch. If you think peeing is bad wait until other of lifes issues come across as taking a dump, couffing, sneezing, and hiccups. Piece of advise is get some laxatives now.:frown:
I just had a hernia operation on Tuesday. Not as bad as your experience but recovery is a bitch. If you think peeing is bad wait until other of lifes issues come across as taking a dump, couffing, sneezing, and hiccups. Piece of advise is get some laxatives now.:frown:

You got that right.

After I had mine done, I wasn't allowed to walk out of the hospital. They brought me a wheelchair, I tried to sit in it but couldn't.....pain. I told the nurse I'll walk, she says but hospital policy yada, yada, yada. I told her you not going to stop me from walking out. I told her if it will make you happy, you could walk along with me pushing the wheelchair.

I got home and my mistake was watching American wedding.

The best thing you could do, is go for slow walks. I was back at work in 10 days. I started powerlifting again in 4 months.

The doc used a 8x6 steel mesh as a patch. I received no stitches. They used glue with steri-strips. You will be numb in that area for months.

Billy T.
they didn't use a mesh patch in mine, he said it was small enough and he didn't want to risk infection. He told me that my small intestine actually worked its way through the hole and got stuck, which is why I had all the pain. I'm kinda worried...I haven't been able to go #2 since the operation....I don't feel like I have to, but I know 5 days can't be good for that. Time for some Exlax tonight! My dad is kinda scaring me, he had his operated on at 45 and he says that his still bothers him, and it never really goes away. Guys, I'm 23 and I can't imagine living with this the rest of my life....tell me the pain goes away! I want to live a normal life again!
The 'pain' i feel isnt really a pain, its more like a funny feeling. You can live your life regular in a few months. In a year you'll forget you even had a hernia.

Was your intenstines in the 'hole' and the pinched off, and they had to cut it off?

After my surgery i didnt go #2 for 3-5 days also. I just didnt need to.

good news on not going #2 for awhile...I was starting to think there was a problem, but some have said that Vicodin can make you constipated, I will have to ask the doc on Friday. My intestines pushed through the tear, but didn't have to cut them...he just pushed em right back in, thank god!