Help support TurboBuick


T6P.Com/ Administrator/Webmaster
Staff member
May 27, 2001
As most of you guys know, the majority of the money we use to keep this board running comes from ads. I wanted to put into perspective how few people actually click the things in hopes that you guys might be more apt to click on an ad if you knew the stats.

We had 34,000 page views yesterday. The ads were clicked 41 times. To keep you guys from doing the math, thats a .11% click through ratio.

Now in no way, shape or form am I asking anyone to go click crazy but if you see an ad that interests you, and from time to time there are some good ads served here, click on them and check the stuff out. It gives us a small amount of money and may turn you on to something you actually find useful.

Again, please dont go nuts and just start clicking every ad. Google monitors all that stuff and that makes them very unhappy but if you see something that interests you, please consider clicking on it and checking it out. It throws a little money our way, helps the site out and Google will see what ads are trending here and maybe serve us up with stuff thats more relevant to our users wants and interests.
I have a we plan to do that but you cant really rely on donations as a steady source of revenue.

Im going to attempt to make donations remove all the ads from the mobile device and the forum and possibly set up a new forum just for donators that will be hidden from everyone else. This is going to require a lot of legwork on the backend and Ive held off doing this because of the mobile app situation.

I believe we have the mobile app finally sorted and I expect to see a very substantial upgrade to the mobile app in the very near future. I think at that time Im going to implement these changes.

One other thing I want to say.... one of the reasons we've held out on donations is because we dont want people to feel that donating to the site gives them some kind of special status. In other words, if you go full retard (No offense meant in my usage of that word) on the site, you're still going to get banned. I know there are going to be situations like that and its one of the reasons we've avoided going that route but sadly ads just arent paying very much.

We have managed to cut the costs of operating the forum which has helped some but theres enough tech work on this site for 2 people so Im still stretched pretty thin when it comes to new features, fixes, changes, etc.
I'd be happy to 'purchase' the mobile app or pay for a yearly subscription of $20 or so. I would think most members would be also willling.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Same here^^^^$20 is nothing. But what about guest.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
I would pay a yearly subscription, as far as guests,limit funtions suh as search function and parts for sale. I am by no means rich but a subscription wouldn't kill me. The info on here is valuable to all of us.
Me too, count me in.

Have been a member of the board since the beginning, it is the least I could do for having it as a resource.

Thx :)
Yeah, i agree, this site has helped me immensely in figuring these cars out plus i think we have a good, mature crowd that frequents this site. I look forward to logging in everyday. Let us know jay.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Without this board...I would go nuts. It's my "crack"!!! Let me know how to donate.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
We're not going anywhere and I'm looking into subscriptions but we can't base our revenue streams around that. That's why I mentioned the ads. That helps us out but again, you know, only if the ad interests you. The majority of our income comes from ads.

Sent from my Nexus 10 using TurboBuick Mobile mobile app
I have been with many other Forums, this one takes the cake in so many ways its not even fair. Needless to say being the forum whore that i am, I am ready to settle down with this one. All those long nights and waisted experiences with the others has me feeling like an old call girl looking for love in all the wrong places. Now I'm happy here were everything feels write.
Wait what oh this is the best damn Forum there is period.
We have the best people, vendors and even the I.T. guy is a car guy. It just makes since, there is nothing else to give us. How can we help pay back all the support we get. Annual membership fees is not a bad idea. What about a one time a year fee to use the "Market Place" That could possibly get more members? Maybe a once a year event to raise money and all the proceeds goes into the site. How about some gear?

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
I'd like to see the stats in a few days to see if people are listening.

I have been with many other Forums, this one takes the cake in so many ways its not even fair. Needless to say being the forum whore that i am, I am ready to settle down with this one. All those long nights and waisted experiences with the others has me feeling like an old call girl looking for love in all the wrong places. Now I'm happy here were everything feels write.
Wait what oh this is the best damn Forum there is period.
We have the best people, vendors and even the I.T. guy is a car guy. It just makes since, there is nothing else to give us. How can we help pay back all the support we get. Annual membership fees is not a bad idea. What about a one time a year fee to use the "Market Place" That could possibly get more members? Maybe a once a year event to raise money and all the proceeds goes into the site. How about some gear?

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Joe...your drunk. Go to bed!!!

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app