Hello.. im new here with some info


New Member
Jul 7, 2004
well im new here.. just found this forum and will be sticking around for awhile

but my news is that:

A friend and I decided to make a forum for ALL (any year, make, model) V6 Powered GM Cars, for all west coast states

check it out, we hope to have members from all over the westcoast. and we would like to see some old school V6's in the club.

so check it out. www.westcoast6s.com


BTW: there is even a special section for you guys on the forum.

its not big yet, just started.. but hopefully it will start getting more members soon! see you guys there!
Welcome Dean!

There's a good many people on this board that like the new Regals too.
Originally posted by Bandit
I was gonna join but I forgot I don't live on any coast! :(
u can still join.. its still good to have people to talk to and discuss different cars..

and by west coast, i mean like the west side of USA.. but join anyways if your not. i will not turn anyone down
I am in the smack middle of the country. This site keeps me pretty busy with browsing and such but I am also a founding member of LS2.com which has to be the busiest board on the net right now.

Its cool you have a special section for GN's and T-types. Hopefully some people will join up and be a part of the elite crowd over there. :cool:
Originally posted by deanh8
well im new here.. just found this forum and will be sticking around for awhile

but my news is that:

A friend and I decided to make a forum for ALL (any year, make, model) V6 Powered GM Cars, for all west coast states

check it out, we hope to have members from all over the westcoast. and we would like to see some old school V6's in the club.

so check it out. www.westcoast6s.com


BTW: there is even a special section for you guys on the forum.

its not big yet, just started.. but hopefully it will start getting more members soon! see you guys there!

Linkie no workie.

BTW, you said the west side of the US. Does the west side of Germany count? Not in the U.S., but I'm west at least! :eek: