Heads up to all our Louisiana Buick guys and gals!


Staff member
May 26, 2001
For those of you in Louisiana that may have heard about the recent mystery sink hole issues near Bayou Corne Louisiana, here is something that you can't miss as it could be the most important thing you ever hear about.
Pretty serious if it happens this way. As Dutch points out, the explosive power of 1.5 Million barrels of liquid butane is = approx 100 Hiroshima's. I'd say that is a major catastrophe in the works. Heck something of that magnitude would definitely be felt over here in Central MS.

Some might not believe this kind of stuff, but please pay attention. Dutch has been right on issues of weather and seismic predictions, more times that I can count. Please take note and be prepared. It's better to be prepared than to ignore it and hope it goes away.
I just had to share with everyone.
Stay safe and God Bless.
