Happy Birthday Mike Zwick (nordy racer):

Gary Wells

White turbo Buick trailer park trash
Mar 2, 2002
Happy Birthday, Mike, and best wishes for many more to come. Hope that you and family are doing great.
Happy B day Mike!

hope all is well with you,
speak up every now and then ,
take care Buddy!
Hey Mike!

Where the heck you at? It's your birthday and you should be spending it with us.:D I can't imagine anything more important than the fine, upstanding people in the So Western section. When you come to your senses, drop by and let us know that your OK. Our worry is that the same aliens that kidnapped Andrew and Morgan, may be after you now. For your own safety, you need to keep in touch, so we can keep you safe.;)

Happy Birthday.

Mike Barnard
Our worry is that the same aliens that kidnapped Andrew and Morgan, may be after you now. For your own safety, you need to keep in touch, so we can keep you safe.;)

Happy Birthday.

Mike Barnard

Poor Andrew :( ...the things those Aliens did to him...tsk, tsk, tsk...
He'll never be able to walk the same again...:eek:
Poor Andrew :( ...the things those Aliens did to him...tsk, tsk, tsk...
He'll never be able to walk the same again...:eek:

Unfortunately, in won't be able to be corrected either. Damn Aliens found the garbage disposal.:eek::D

Mike B.

Where the heck you at? It's your birthday and you should be spending it with us.:D I can't imagine anything more important than the fine, upstanding people in the So Western section. When you come to your senses, drop by and let us know that your OK. Our worry is that the same aliens that kidnapped Andrew and Morgan, may be after you now. For your own safety, you need to keep in touch, so we can keep you safe.;)

Happy Birthday.

Mike Barnard
You tell him Mike, Nordy sucks! But Happy Birthday to him anyways
thanks everyone for the Birthday Wishes.. i have had a lot on my plate going on in my life and haven't really been able to chat on here. miss seeing you guys, i hope everyone is doing well :)