Going to poly motor mounts, how to install???

I installed drivers side only with engine in car...

All easy and smooth until attaching one bolt from bracket to block....seemed I needed to have about 4 joints in my wrist and forearm. I could hold it in position with finger tip but could not tighten it. Eventually I wrapped the bolt with long string. Pushed it in place with fingertip and pulled string. Was hoping to just start the threads, but it threaded almost all the way in.

Gotta jack up engine a bit...just enough to R&R brackets...might have to remove IC cover if it's wrapped around swaybar.

Yep - jack up the motor (flat piece of wood on the oil pan) and pull the front wheels off....it's ALOT easier to get to the engine block bolts through the wheel wells.
I did it with the car on jackstands so I could get around underneath. The drivers side is a piece of cake, it fell out once I got the bolts out. The rassenger side was a BEECH cause I had a heck of a time getting the old mount out once it was unbolted, not much room there, finally had to slide it up and take it out from the top and slid the new one in the same way. I just let the engine down slowly and got both bolts to line up and was done.
Tarey D.
I have a front mount now, so if I remove the ic pipes it should be ok right? Any certain torque specs I need to know for the bolts? And will I need to remove the downpipe??? How far can I jack the engine up???

Remove the intercooler pipes and I think I jacked up the motor about 3 inches. Just keep lookin at everything when you are jacking it up, no you don't need to remove the downpipe. Tighten the $hit out of the bolts, an allen socket comes in real handy for the bolts that hold the mount to the motor.
Tarey D.
You might want to consider just installing poly on the driver's side along with a new stock passenger side mount (you'll find that the stock mounts have compressed over time). The poly mounts transmit more vibration than the stock rubber. You don't really need one on the passenger side.

If it wasn't such a b*tch of a job I'd take my passenger-side poly mount out. I have the new stock-type mount but I'm dreading the job.

I did both and I have no regrets. Mine just fell into place. Probably because I had the motor out but still :). I don't get the "more vibration" argument. Maybe my fluffy butt isn't as sensitive as some but I didn't notice a difference at all from stock mounts.
Originally posted by fuzzyGN
I did both and I have no regrets. Mine just fell into place. Probably because I had the motor out but still :). I don't get the "more vibration" argument. Maybe my fluffy butt isn't as sensitive as some but I didn't notice a difference at all from stock mounts.

Mine just dropped in, too. Helps having the engine out.

The vibration difference is like night and day over my stock mounts. When I first put the engine in I thought there was something wrong with it. Eventually the engine needed rebuilt again and it still has a nasty vibration after being taken out and rebuilt. I've never been able to figure it out and assumed it was the mounts. I still may have something not kosher with it.

Possibly do have an issue. I just put one in my Vega and holy cow! Talk about vibration. I know I have a problem with that engine/trans and putting in the mount made it a higher frequency thus easier to "feel". Still haven't figured out what the source of the vibration is but I think it may be the clutch. Just had the trans out too!
I put mine in 3 yrs ago ,drivers side only,as i remember,the old mount came out ok,but took quite a while to get the new mount lined up with the holes. There is a noticable amount of vibration with the new mount,mostly a idle and under 2000 rpm,but aleast you don't need a tie down strap anymore
Originally posted by fuzzyGN
I did both and I have no regrets. Mine just fell into place. Probably because I had the motor out but still :). I don't get the "more vibration" argument. Maybe my fluffy butt isn't as sensitive as some but I didn't notice a difference at all from stock mounts.

I had a broken dirver side and had my shop replace the both of em with new poly mounts, I definatly felt alot more vibration than compared to the rubber mounts. The whole car vibrates, but not terribly bad, and nothing that would make me take em out to replace with stock mounts and a torque strap.