Gn Stolen!!!!

What's the most aesthetically pleasing column guard I can get for my maroon interior? Only 50$ at Pepbpys? :) I'm digging the video cam idea!
The column guard is a fairly good idea. It will stop most theft attempts from the average street scum. As far as video cameras...there were about 30 different cameras in action when mine was stolen. All I got from them was several different angles of my car being stolen. Even if they had recorded a clear shot of who it was taking my car, chances are the car would have been chopped by the time the cops got around to going after him. Car theft isn't a high priority with them. Unless you are sitting there watching the monitor at all times (gotta sleep sometimes) then the camera isn't going to prevent your car from being taken.

please, Please, PLEASE.....Take one scrap of wisdom from all of this....GET A STATED VALUE IN WRITING FROM YOUR AGENT NOW!!!! Not after.
Originally posted by Pitbozz
I ended up with $18,000.

dayyyyuuummm.....I'm calling my ins. company today. My stated value insurance is only about half that (my doing, not theirs). I'd miss my car, but the $18k would make me feel a lot better about it.

Agreed upon value; not stated value

Get an agreed upon value policy.

All a stated value policy does is set the limit for the most the insurance company has to pay. Upon filing a claim you will receive the lesser of - the stated value of the car, cost to repair car, or actual cash value of the car. With a stated value policy you will still have to work with the claims adjuster and all of that headache trying to get a fair deal. There is really no point at all in buying one of these policies.

With an agreed upon value policy the insurance company agrees ahead of time what the car is worth. If it gets stolen you get the agreed upon value. No hassles.
Had mine done a couple of weeks ago. As it sits, if it were to be stolen I would get $14,000 from my insurance for it. they told me to get that in writing from a body shop which I am going to do soon.
Who do you do this Agreed Upon value with, your Insurance company? Do you need to get somebody else to value the car first then go over it with your insurance company?
What's the process?

If they value the car to $15k or ?? does this change your rates?

Re: Agreed upon value; not stated value

Originally posted by The Blob
Get an agreed upon value policy.

My bad. I do have an agreed value policy with Great American. It's not stated value. I just dug it out to make sure.

KEVINS - I think an agreed value policy is usually purchased through a collector-type insurance company. I have Great American. The cost of the policy is $x per thousand $ of the agreed value of the car plus the liability premium. So yes, increasing the agreed value will increase the cost of the policy. In my case my premium is below their $250/year minimum so I could increase the agreed value by about $8,000 without paying more (they just tack on the difference between my premium and $250).

Originally posted by KEVINS
Who do you do this Agreed Upon value with, your Insurance company? Do you need to get somebody else to value the car first then go over it with your insurance company?
What's the process?

If they value the car to $15k or ?? does this change your rates?


Go to a reputable body shop in your area and they should be able to give you a appraisal, or go to an appraisal shop. We have one here, he is a dealer that sells only top notch old cars and also appraises other vehicles.

You then take the appraisal to your insurance company and start haggling them to agree to it until you both agree on a value. As far as I know it doesnt affect your rates.
how did you guys get coverage for your car, almost every place here tells me the same thing " we don't insure a car made in 1987 it has to be 1992 or above"

i know there are some places that provide insurance but then the car has to be parked, you can only drive so many miles, blah,blah,blah, i refuse to pay insurance and then have them tell you when you can or can't drive your car.

my buick came with a factory alarm -it's a little key-pad that you have to input a code before the car starts, i'm glad pibozz got paid, but if your like me ( no insurance) i depend on the colom lock and my alarms
Mine was stolen a couple of years ago and it was just some black kids wanting to go joy riding. What is with this world? Why cant you have something like this and enjoy it? When I got mine back 18hrs later; it had had the hell run out of it, he broke the oil down to water, broke my steering column, ran it into a drop mail box like you see on the sidewalk, gouged it with a screw driver in some places. Since I have built this car back better than it ever way before; I no longer drive it just anywhere. I am soo paranoid about leaving it anywhere, and I wont take it outside of my house unless I am going to be in the car or am going to be really really close to it after I get out of it. State Farm insured mine. Insured it again after it was stolen too. I would not trust any other insurance company....PERIOD! As far as driving these cars on a daily basis, you simply cant do it anymore and expect it to always be where you left it. I know that empty feeling walking to that parking spot where you left it at, but the law protects the criminal these days. In my case the kid never had to pay restitution or anything, he got off scot-free. I am seriously considering adding the GPS thing to mine so atleast it can be tracked quickly before they hack it up or drive it into a ditch somehow.
My GN is fully insured with American Family. If anyone wants my agents number I can give it out. The least they can do is get you connected with an agent local to you. They are knowledgeable about the car, says it symbols a 16 so without any argument they would pay me $14,000 for my car if it was never found or totalled.