give em the wave


New Member
Apr 15, 2002
ok, so this kill happened on prom night...
while in formal dress with my girlfriend shotty and another couple in the back of my gn i filled the tank at the gas station. we went out and were headed to the dance from there. i took a road called sawmill and jokingly said that id prolly get a race on prom night because i never do any night when im looking for one. sure enough, a red maybe 97 or 98 mustang gt gets up next to me and revs it at a light. im ready to roll ut right before the light turns green someone turned right into my lane. he gunned it anyway naturally and i cut over to get around the a hole that cut me off and get set up for the next light. at this point there was a mixture of excitement and fear among my passengers but i just told em to chill, wont be a big thang. so the light goes green, i didnt even powerbrake it jus took off from idle and i wasted the sh*t out of him. musta have beaten him by 5 or 6 car lenghts when i decided itd be ok to shut it down. at that point i checked my passengers and told them when i opn the windows to wave bye. they obliged. funny when a mustang gt with jus the driver gets completely smoked by me in my 3600 odd pound gn with 3 extra people and a full tank...

Man you need to pick another street to race on. Sawmill is not one you want. Way to many shops and sidestreets for people to pull out in front of you. Not to mention all the cops in Columbus. You could have spent your prom nite in jail or the morgue.

Dont get me wrong, Ive been known to race on the street once or twice, but I now live in Amarillo Tx because I got so sick and tired of fighting the traffic on Sawmilll every day. But since it all came out ok, good kill :)
