Gauge Question


New Member
May 29, 2012
I have an 87 Turbo T that I am starting to bring back to life, and I have an 84 GN that I have for parts. I have to swap the 84 dash into the 87 as a monster tach was drywall screwed to it. Anyhow, the digital dash on the 87 is not working, and I thought about swapping the 84 speedo cluster in at the same time. I understand that I would have to transfer the dash harness as well, since they are not the anything else required? Are the dash harness' the same between the years otherwise?

I have also heard that I may have to swap the fuel tanks sending unit, although I do not see different part numbers sending units listed. Doesn't matter as I am dropping the tank for a new fuel pump anyhow, just need to know what to get.

Thanks in advance!
I think it would be much simpler to check the "parts for sale" section and purchase one from there? or post in the "parts wanted" section and see what is available.
If you use an 86/87 analog gauge set, I'm sure you will have to change the harness as well. unless casper's offers an adapter?
If what I already have at my disposal will work with minimal additional labor, I would rather not spend the money on reviving the digital dash at the moment. The money could be better spent elsewhere at the moment and I plan on a MS3 and 4L80E conversion in the future, so I will be installing aftermarket gauges at that time. Int the mean time, the car will not pass state insp to get tags so that I can drive it in the mean time without a functional dash cluster.
Agreed, I put an 87 analog dash instead of the digital dash because I wouldnt be able to put up with the turbo LED's not working correctly. The dash swap isnt that dificult as I just did my entire dash. you are going to have to change the hobb's switch for a newer map sensor under the hood but other then that I think your good to go. Im not positive if an 84 dash differed from the 87's that much