Garage floor coatings


hey rich. wasnt i just up at your old place droping of the radiator? i did talk to some people up there. just get a quote.;)
just a hint but i didnt say this just get a quote from a proffesional on the garage floor trust me. :biggrin:
No!!!! I think I have already said this but when my dad had his garage painted, the painter of the house did it. Worst decision that could have been made. The PROFESSIONAL painter ended up using twice as much as he needed, didn't clean it, and the best part...he forgot to add sand to half of the garage. It is like walking on wet tiles. Add oil and forget about walking on it. Also, dont do the driveway as it will start to wear and eventually look crappy.

Anybody coat their driveway too. I was thinking about a Ucoat kit for the garage and a Lowes rustoleum kit for the driveway.

DON'T use the Rustoleum stuff on your driveway. When I did my garage with rustoleum I coated the floor just past the garage door. The part outside of the door is very faded and has lost any kind of gloss.
Here's a pic.

Just incase there's any confusion the pic I sumbitted is my garage with Rustoleum. By the way, the only time I managed to chip the stuff off is when I accidentally dropped a running 4" grinder on the floor. :eek: That sucked. I was running all over the place trying to catch that thing as it was eating away at my floor. Doh!