Fusible Link Removal (To Fuse Block)

Sep 2, 2007
Has anyone switched there fusible links to a fuse block. Reading through the wiring diagrams for the vehicle and it seems like it could be done.

I'm changing up the stock harness (removing wiring) and wiring changes for fans and electric water pump. I ordered a 6 fuse block for some of the wiring and would like to switch some of the fusible links to the fuse block to tidy up the wiring. Wondering what size fuses should be used to replace the links. Mainly link B and A.

Thanks Brandon.
i did it on my gn a couple years ago. i had one go bad while driving and found that they were all pretty crispy from being right near the header. i lengthened the wires, routed them away from the exhaust toward the battery and installed fuse holders and hooked them right to the battery. i believe i used 20amp fuses in each and never had a problem, i didn't do any research on sizes though, just an educated guess, not the most accurate way to do it. your idea with the fuse block should be nice and neat, i was more concerned with not getting stranded again than making it too pretty.
You don't want to go there. The fuse links perform a different function compared to fuses (the factory would have gone with fuses in the original design, but didn't).

You will create other problems if you replace links with fuses.
You can use a MAXI fuse. The Maxi blade fuse was developed in 1986. It's used to replace fusible links, fusible wire and meet automotive OE (Original Equipment) standards. But your going to need a fuse block that can hold them. They are bigger in size than Regular blade type fuses. Then just keep a spare in your car. This will be a lot easier than trying to change out fusible links by the side of the road.;) Make sure to keep your fuse block water tight or way from moisture.
I do however agree with John Spina. (the factory would have gone with fuses in the original design, but didn't).
+ it might not be worth the work fusible links are not really that ugly to worry about to tidy up.:(

MINI, REGULAR, and MAXI Blade type fuses