Funny Pet Stories

I have a black lab/shepard mix that likes to sneak up on girls in skirts and put her nose right up in there butt. Funny as hell but the women dont seem to think so :confused:
I had a friend move in with me for a few months while she was trying to find a new place to live. She told me this story after it all happened... We were hanging out watching tv, and she gets up and goes to the 2nd bathroom (off the bedroom she's staying in) and drops a duece. She comes back to the living room and hangs out for a little while. She gets up and goes to the bathroom again to get ready for bed and it still stinks bad, so she closes the door when she gets done so that I don't walk by and ask if she has problems. She goes back again an hour later and its really bad in there, so she calls a girlfriend and tells her that she thinks something has crawled up inside her and died. She doesn't know what to do and she's trying to figure out how to keep me from becoming aware of the situation. That is what I thought was most funny about the story. She's calling up girlfriends asking for advice on how to hide the stinch of her duece. We'll she gets up the next morning and jumps in the shower only to find that my cat had dropped a duece in the tub and that was what was creating the stink. My cat goes outside to use the bathroom, I don't think he liked her too much! :biggrin:
A few years ago I had seen this documentary about how (some) dogs can smell cancer cells. During the documentary, there was this case about a woman that had a dog that kept sniffing part of her leg; finally she caved in and had it checked out only to find that she did have some sort of cancer in that leg.

So here about a year ago, I'm sitting at the computer in shorts and one of my cats keeps casually lunging at my right calf, and if she's not lunging, she's intentlly staring. Of course I think back to the documentary. Then I was like "look dummy, cats don't have that great of a sense of smell!" So I lean down to my leg as close as I can and see this tiny black ant crawling up my leg. For those that live in the desert, they already know how small these things are! So small that I couldn't even feel it, but she could somehow see it and knew that it didn't belong!
I bought my wife a Samoyed puppy about 4 -5 years ago. I named him Alpine after the white chocolate Hershey candy bar. Anyway I called him every name but that and it pissed my wife off something bad because she was trying to train him to respond to his name. Well it seemed like he wanted to go out and pee every 5 minutes so I started calling him Goober Peabody for reasons I cant explain. One day we got in fight about it so in my smartass attitude I said why dont we ask him what he thinks. So there I am staring this 4 month old puppy in the face asking him if his name is Goober Peabody. And just than he did one of these half yawn half grown sounds that sounded like the word NOOOOOOOO! Well I never called him anything but Alpine after that. Who says dogs aren't smart.
I have a very large German Shepherd (150llbs), Zak. Most people train their dogs to speak, but I also trained him to howl on command. He also likes to howl if hear hears sirens or whistling. One weekend we were camping with a bunch of friends and 2 of them are in a band and brought a keyboard and guitar to entertain us around the campfire. Well, when the music started he was sound asleep behind the camper. About the third song in the set was "Warewolves of London". At the beginning of the song he wanders over and sits next to the keyboard. Just sitting there like he was part of the band and looking at us sitting around the campfire. When the guys reaches the chorus, which has a howl in it, he throws his head up right on cue, and howls at just the right time. The guys crack up and have to stop the song because they are laughing so much. Zak never moves and just looks at them. After gaining their composer(sp), they start the song again. This time the play the song the whole way through and Zak howls right on cue at every chorus. The song ends and he gets up and goes back behind the camper and goes to sleep. It was unbelievably funny! I wish I had a cam corder.
I have a very large German Shepherd (150llbs), Zak. Most people train their dogs to speak, but I also trained him to howl on command. He also likes to howl if hear hears sirens or whistling. One weekend we were camping with a bunch of friends and 2 of them are in a band and brought a keyboard and guitar to entertain us around the campfire. Well, when the music started he was sound asleep behind the camper. About the third song in the set was "Warewolves of London". At the beginning of the song he wanders over and sits next to the keyboard. Just sitting there like he was part of the band and looking at us sitting around the campfire. When the guys reaches the chorus, which has a howl in it, he throws his head up right on cue, and howls at just the right time. The guys crack up and have to stop the song because they are laughing so much. Zak never moves and just looks at them. After gaining their composer(sp), they start the song again. This time the play the song the whole way through and Zak howls right on cue at every chorus. The song ends and he gets up and goes back behind the camper and goes to sleep. It was unbelievably funny! I wish I had a cam corder.
Steve, Now that would be a clip for americas funny vids.