Fun with air bags


Supporting Member
May 26, 2001
So I have a truckload of junk Caddy parts. All stuff from a wrecked 2000 DTS that I'm not using. Among the junk is a pair of rear side airbags. I know the junkyard won't take them if they're not deployed, but I figured I'd sneak them in with the rest of the stuff.

But then I got bored......

I was over my parents' house for New Years dinner and my brother and I decided to see what would happen if we put 12 volts across those bad boys. We're a little bit smarter than we look so we ran out about 8 feet of wire to the bag and popped the hood on the T-Type (Turbo Regal content). I put the bag out in the yard and looked at it. I said to my brother "what if it launches". He laughed and said "dude - these things blow in your face - how could it launch". I shrugged and put the wires to the battery.


I know it went straight up, but I lost sight of it in the sun and ran. My brother, trapped by his own car simply covered his head. I saw it coming down close to him but it missed.

After laughing ourselves to tears, we decided to pop the other one. This time we rolled video. Since we knew it would launch itself we kept a safer distance. The second one got caught in a neighbor's tree, but I was able to dislodge it after fetching a ladder and poking at it with a big stick.

I have video, but it's 11MB big and I don't know where to host it. Any ideas?

lol, man thats a great story, I really have no idea where to host it, but i know what im gonna do next time i come across an airbag from a wrecked vehicle;) :D Had me lmao
Me and my bro do this all the time. He works at a Buick,Pontiac GMC dealer and gets ones that they have to replace for codes and I get them out of totals as a collision tech. We always use a long set of jumper leads and a jump box with plenty of room for bad things to happen.
Saturn made its dealers buy a blue "special" Kent-Moore fixture to deployed them It was like a small engine dolly that had a big plastic container you filled with water and then mounted the bag to it. The passneger side bags go pretty high , but only if you blow them face down.
Back in college we blew an air bag bottom side, it only went a couple of feet in the air. Then we flipped the other one on the deploy side, and that thing went about 15 ft in the air!:D
I am running low on webspace until I revamp the whole thing. But I would like to see this video so I hope you get it hosted. :)
I'll see if it'll ZIP and I'll send it. Otherwise I can use I don't think my mail server will let me send an 11 MB file through.

Jim does not appear to be working anymore. I tried to e-mail it to YeahItsSlo but I doubt my server will let it through.

Originally posted by turbojimmy does not appear to be working anymore. I tried to e-mail it to YeahItsSlo but I doubt my server will let it through.


i didnt get it :(
Originally posted by turbojimmy does not appear to be working anymore. I tried to e-mail it to YeahItsSlo but I doubt my server will let it through.


Give me your email address and I will invite you to Gmail. I think you can send attachments up to 150 MB through them.
It's sending right now to those who requested it or who indicated they could host it. Should take about 10 mins to upload (wheeeeeeee - DSL).

Thanks to Whut for the Gmail account.

Originally posted by turbojimmy
Glad you liked it. My brother is the camera man, laughing like Butthead. I'm the maniac with the wires.


And you launched it off the battery in your Buick. That made it classic. :D