"From Buick with balls" article needed


New Member
Mar 9, 2005
Who has the magazine or a least a copy of it so that I can publish it on the Buick Horsepower website? I have an old, old Xerox'd copy of it but it is not good enough to use. I'd LOVE to find the magazine but would settle for a good copy.
from buick with balls

Hey, I think I have the article you're looking for. I only have the article, not the
entire magazine. I bought it at a car show a while back. It is from a Cars Illustrated magazine. It features a test drive of a new gunmetal grey T-type.
If this sounds like what your after, let me know. I don't have a scanner right now but I can likely e-mail you a copy.
I've got a pretty good copy, 9 pages. Also have an original story on the proto-type intercooled Buick. Email me your address and and I'll send them to you. They're already scanned into pdf format along with 40 others on a cd.