For Sale: GNX Shifter Handle


Jun 5, 2006
$20, email me if interested, thanks.
how is it that i PM the seller and he says if the first in line backs out I am next up WTF???
I am first in line
It's the dreaded behind the scenes PM that will screw you every time with no way to prove it.

If they would change the rule to first person to post in thread for said part all that crap would go away and everyone would be happy except for the people who PM with a higher than asking price or good ole boy;);) to snake it out from the first person to respond in the open.

I wish they would do something as this happens way to often and discourages the people who try to do things right.
So the website should force you to sell your part to the first person who replies on the forum? I can see asking out of courtesy, but I don't like the idea of being told who I have to sale parts to, and there are probably legal issue there.
This stuff doesn't happen on the V8 board .first to relpy has first chance to refuse and then next up and so on and so on.Whenever I PM someone i post on the thread also .First on the thread is first right of refusal if I am selling something period

these are the rules on the V8 board and the way I have sold things forever on this website

Our policy dictates that if you list a part or car for sale, you will in good faith adhere to the following:
  1. Post a price for the item being offered.
  2. Post a location of the item.
  3. Work with the interested parties to complete the sale, in the order that they showed interest in your item. This interest must be shown with a public reply to your thread, Personal Messages (PM's) or emails are not acceptable communication requirements for "getting in line" to purchase an item. We suggest 48 hours as an acceptable time period to allow interested parties to contact you privately.
  4. If the first user who responds to your ad does not complete the sale, you move onto the second person who responded, and so on and so forth down the list, until the item is sold. This list is dictated soley by the public replies to your ad.
  5. You will not accept other offers or negotiate outside of these guidelines.
  6. You will not refuse to sell the item to anyone, for any reason, unless a moderator or the board administrator is involved and Ok's the denial.
So the website should force you to sell your part to the first person who replies on the forum? I can see asking out of courtesy, but I don't like the idea of being told who I have to sale parts to, and there are probably legal issue there.

Yes, the first person who meets your asking price. If the first person who posts that they will take it then I don't see why they shouldn't get it.

From my understanding that is a contract to purchase at said offer price and should be treated as such.

If they post that they will take it and someone PM's you the same thing saying they will take it the person who posts in the thread openly trying to let everyone know they want it and are first in line then doesn't get it makes them feel like they got screwed.

I don't understand where you come off saying that you are forced to sell to the first person that responds, because if they don't accept your price and try to negotiate with you, then they haven't agreed to anything and if the next in line posts I'll take it at the advertised price then yea it goes to him.

I certainly don't see any legal issues as you state it. If you advertise a widget for ten bucks and the first person to say I'll buy it get's it what's the problem??

In an ad like yours it was cut and dry, you had a price and a pic and the first post/response was [I'll take it] pretty cut and dry if you ask me. Not the typical response of I'm first in line pending questions or pics.

If the rules would state that all sales had to be made in open posts unless negotiating on lower price, then yes that could be done through PM it would cut down on the behind the scenes PM BS of people that want to steal it out from others and maybe offer more than asking price and sellers being greedy taking said offers or for what ever other reasons they decide to not sell to first in line.

If someone offers a product or service for X amount the first person to meet said price of product/service should get it .

I know it's not a perfect world and no matter what the rules are someone will be unhappy with them, but if the rules made it fair and honest only the dishonest wouldn't like the rules and most I think would like to change the parts for sale section rules to make it more honest or at least the perception of it being so.

I think they took a poll on this very issue at one time and maybe it should be revisited again and see if enough people would like to change how parts are sold here so all have the same chance and feel no remorse if beat out by a quicker post in the open not by someone behind the scenes in a PM.
This stuff doesn't happen on the V8 board .first to relpy has first chance to refuse and then next up and so on and so on.Whenever I PM someone i post on the thread also .First on the thread is first right of refusal if I am selling something period

these are the rules on the V8 board and the way I have sold things forever on this website

Our policy dictates that if you list a part or car for sale, you will in good faith adhere to the following:
  1. Post a price for the item being offered.
  2. Post a location of the item.
  3. Work with the interested parties to complete the sale, in the order that they showed interest in your item. This interest must be shown with a public reply to your thread, Personal Messages (PM's) or emails are not acceptable communication requirements for "getting in line" to purchase an item. We suggest 48 hours as an acceptable time period to allow interested parties to contact you privately.
  4. If the first user who responds to your ad does not complete the sale, you move onto the second person who responded, and so on and so forth down the list, until the item is sold. This list is dictated soley by the public replies to your ad.
  5. You will not accept other offers or negotiate outside of these guidelines.
  6. You will not refuse to sell the item to anyone, for any reason, unless a moderator or the board administrator is involved and Ok's the denial.


So simple a kid could do it!!!!

As usual 3 is my favorite.

God rest your soul Dale you are missed.
Lets say the first person to respond has only a few posts, and /or has shown questionable moral character the seller deems uncomfortable to do business with this person but forum rules force this person to get taken. In this day and age that's a lawsuit possibility. Sites like eBay have a bevy of agreements you agree to but none of it is any good without their team of lawyers. If I were running a forum it would be better to let it self moderate as much as possible.

Also, say I create a thread bot that causes me to reply to every thread with certain keywords. I would have first choice on anything I want because I was able to post almost instantly? This hasn't happened but it could. Good rules should consider all scenarios.

How about I post a part for sale and you reply first but then my buddy in town wants it too? I'd feel much better dealing with someone I know. I'm not disagreeing that common courtesy is first to respond, but requiring it to happen will be taxing on sellers and moderators and really is unenforceable.

What's to keep someone from selling to to a friend and telling the first responder they decided to not sale it? Is the forum police going to raid their home? ;).
What's to keep someone from selling to to a friend and telling the first responder they decided to not sale it? Is the forum police going to raid their home?

Ethics and morals.

Both are lacking in today's society. Reading your post proves my point.;)

Isn't it bad enough that Obama is picking winners and losers, why should we stoop to that level also??
Sure bud, read better, specifically the part I say, "I'm not disagreeing that common courtesy would dictate it goes to who first responds." Imply what you will, but don't know one bit about my ethics and morals. You won't see my name mentioned in a thread about not paying for parts etc or cussing out people on this forum. Can you say otherwise? Feel free to step in the crap pile of rules you can't enforce that are centered around the childhood rule of "I was here first." Our nation is pretty good at creating rules they can't enforce too. ;)

There is no longer a need for me to comment in this thread.
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