Fiberglass doors


New Member
Jun 13, 2007
Does any one know if they come with the holes to mount them pre drilled or am i gonna have to do that as well? Also is any one using them in here? any help is appreciated! :confused:
Was reading an old article on the web site for GM high Performance and I believe it said that Mr.Cotton's Great Pumpkin has fiberglass doors. Great article..............
Was reading an old article on the web site for GM high Performance and I believe it said that Mr.Cotton's Great Pumpkin has fiberglass doors. Great article..............

thank you for the info nice car btw:biggrin:
Hi ,
I guess you are going totally race, huh? You wouldn't want to transfer the power window stuff, etc. Let me give you some advice via experiece. 4th generation camaros and firebirds have plastic doors, and I had total nightmares when I replaced a driver's side window motor. I drilled out the rivets and bolted the unit back in, but adjustment was another thing. When I finally got it right,two weeks later the car was back with a jammed window. These are factory doors, so GOOD LUCK with that aftermarket stuff. Maybe you have some skills I lack, but you will have fun, rest assured!