Factory Moonroof Seal


May 29, 2001
Hi all,

I am replacing my factory moonroof seal on my 86 GN. Could anyone tell me what adhesive I should use for the new seal? Any other tips about replacing this seal would also be appreciated.


3M weather strip adhesive. It comes in two colors. Yellow and black. Make shure you get the black. Its really messy so keep a bottle of acitone and shop towels handy.
Where did you get the seal from? I hear there are two different ones.
I have the Buick installed Astroroof, not the dealer installed.

Can any of you guys tell me if the inside grey liner that goes around the moonroof still avail??
I don't know if you can get it new but I'd bet you can still find on in ok shape at a salvage yard. I've seen a few but I don't recall if they were grey or some other color.
Originally posted by gnfanatic
Can any of you guys tell me if the inside grey liner that goes around the moonroof still avail??

Good luck. I found a schematic of all the parts for the Astroroof and most of the parts were discontinued.:(

Mine was cracked, with some good ole Testors glue, some sandpaper and paint, it looks decent again.
problem with mine is that I did not leave it at its proper shape and redid the ceiling. So it is all bent up, not square anymore. nopt sure what to do.

Hey ralph, try using a heat gun they can do wonders or if able to dip it in boilling hot water you can get back the shape also good luck