Engine tie down strap

1967 GeeTO

Oct 26, 2003
1. Where do you hook the bottom end of the strap to? I looked from the top and could not find a hole in the frame to use. Am I overlooking it.

2. How tight do I need to tighten it once installed?

If I remember right there is a hole under that flap that comes down from the inner fender. Could be wrong though. I'd like to add that my alternator bracket snapped because of a tie down. IMO Polly motor mounts are the way to go.
There's a more or less oval shaped "slot" in the frame that the bottom of the strap hooks into. Can't miss it as it's more or less directly below the alternator "ear". If in doubt, pull the front wheel/tire and you'll see it plain as day.

The strap should be "snug", meaning no slack, but not overly tight. Above all, do not crank down on the thing to the point that the motor start to roll towards the driver's side. In this case, more is NOT better. More invites a broken alternator or worse. All you're trying to do is take the slack up, so that when the motor rolls towards the passenger's side on torque there is resistance. A nylon strap has a little stretch to it, which prevents the alternator "ear" from being shock loaded assuming it's tightened properly and not overtightened. Check the strap tightness frequently, especially after 1st installing, for the 1st miles.

BTW, best to get a good eyebolt and accompanying hardware. The stuff they provide with the strap is typically soft steel, and will bend or break, again taking out the alternator ear. I use a 3/8" STAINLESS STEEL eyebolt of just the right length, with accompanying STAINLESS STEEL hardware. Order from front to rear is eyebolt, regular nut, flat washer, alternator "ear", flat washer, split lock washer, cap nut. Works like a charm - never a problem - no breakage - you will never have a problem with this arrangement.

Good luck.