eightsecv6/bill anderson misrepresents vehicle on ebay then leaves me bad feedback

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I can see why your upset given the condition of the vehicle vs the ebay ad. I would have personally not bought the car if I felt like I mislead when I showed up, I wanted a rust free car and it had rust that would have been the final straw. In the past when I have bought long distance cars, I have paid someone check out the car, before I fly out.

My friend years ago, went to buy ZR-1 that was hit in the front. The guy had all these great photo's and documentation of the car when he bought 3 year prior with 5K miles on it for $49K from a well known Corvette collector. He told him basically it now had 15K miles and was mint, email the original phots and took camero photos of the damage. I told him to have someone look at it, he didn't. Well my friend drove 1000 miles with a trailer to pick it up, I told him to have someone inspect it first. What they guy didn't tell him, was that he was a drunk, who wife left him. The accident damage was far worse described (melted wiring harness, more frame damage, windshield broken, doors crack, prior accident damage in the rear he forgot to mention, and the guy smoked and the interior had Cigarette burns all over the 15K mile interior. The guy dropped price another 4K, and my friend called me up on the road, he was so tempted buy it since it was good deal and he come so far. I talked him out it and he was glad he decide not to go through with it. It need another $8K in repairs on top of what he thought it needed. He was caught up in teh moment of buying the car.
Chris I didn't post this to try and get a refund from Bill. I posted this to show people he is a liar. You may want to work on your reading comprehension but the truck was allready paid for when I arrived. The deal was done over ebay and paid for based on his description.

None of this changes the fact that I am losing money due to his dishonesty regardless of whether or not I took posession of the vehicle.

If you think it's irrelevant that Bill lied through his teeth than that is your opinion and I have mine.

I don't really care if Bill does anything at this point which I expect he will not. Maybe after this post he will reconsider being dishonest in the future.
BTW I bought a "rust free" 71 Cutlass Convertible on E-bay last year. Drove 8 hours with truck and trailer to pick it up. Guy flat out lied about the car, rusted trunk, cheap 1/4 repair rusted doors, etc. Made guy offer I felt was right for condition he declined I went home. $400 in gas tolls and food BUT I DIDN'T BUY THE CAR!!!
If you want i will buy it for what you got in it if its got the orginal eng, and trans.

Did you miss this part of the post? Sell it.

YOU were responsible for checking it out when you went there.

You could have refused it. You did not. Yes, you would have been out travel expenses, but that is how it goes. You could have had it checked out before you traveled, you did not. I am having a hard time with you passing on your personal responsibility. Seems pretty common these days.
Okay, so we're told that the seller didn't know about the rust. I find that hard to believe, but fine. The buyer was 100% correct to leave negative feedback. The truck was not in the condition that was described in the ad, and the negative feedback to the seller was deserved. It is against ebay policy to leave retalitory negative feedback. The buyer complied with your payment demands and didn't deserve the negative feedback. Talk about sour grapes.
Chris I didn't post this to try and get a refund from Bill. I posted this to show people he is a liar. You may want to work on your reading comprehension but the truck was allready paid for when I arrived. The deal was done over ebay and paid for based on his description.

None of this changes the fact that I am losing money due to his dishonesty regardless of whether or not I took posession of the vehicle.

If you think it's irrelevant that Bill lied through his teeth than that is your opinion and I have mine.

I don't really care if Bill does anything at this point which I expect he will not. Maybe after this post he will reconsider being dishonest in the future.

You still had recourse prior to taking possession of the truck, especially if it was paid for through ebay. I know Bill personally and I would bet if you complained and refused the truck he would have refunded your money no questions asked. I've purchased several cars long distance I personally would've NEVER paid in full prior to seeing the car with my own eyes. Everyones definition of "MINT" is different and no two people will see the same thing through the same set of eyes.
Mark- I will sell the truck and get myself out of the situation! I'm not worried about getting out of the situation and I'm not over here sweating bullets about money!

If you will actually read what I have posted I admitted all of my mistakes. If I was worried about getting rid of the truck I would have posted this a month ago. Point is, Bill lied about the truck and now I end up with negative feedback on ebay. That is why this post was made. Even if I didn't take posession of the vehicle I would have still lost money and I would still have left and recieved negative feedback. What is so hard to understand about that?
Nobody is missing your point. Whether or not Bill lied trough his teeth about the truck and its condition is irrelevant at this point YOU STILL INSPECTED IT AND PAID FULL PRICE FOR IT. If you had taken the time to point out inaccuracies or problems with the truck I'm sure Bill would've made an attempt to make it right so I don't see how this should fall back on him at this point.

The guy gets you out of a pinch and you get up here spouting off how he ripped you off when in reality you were just to stupid too see or do anything when you had the chance BEFORE YOU PAID FOR THE TRUCK AND DROVE AWAY.

You are not the only who has purchased a vehicle and have it not be 100% of what you expected. In the 100's I've owned I would say that is true for 90% of them. Get over it, move on, you had the chance to re-negotiated the deal or pass on the truck when you where there, not now.

You have to be nuts to think he should pay you shipping and transportation costs? IF the truck was THAT bad of a deal you should take his offer and run.

GREAT STATMENTS.. get over it man and move on..
So regardless of the truck you guys are telling me that you think it's ok to misrepresent a vehicle you are selling then leave negative feedback to the guy you sold it to?

If so thanks for the heads up as I will never purchase anything from you.

And Chris, you may be correct that no 2 people see the same thing but Ray Charles could spot the rust on this truck from a mile away so I'm not really buying your theory that this is a minor discrepancy.
I don't know anyone who would take a strangers description for gospel. You went there, looked at truck, should have test drove it, etc. You even brought someone with you. THat person should have been familir with a Typhoon if your not, or don't bring them. I certainly don't think he should have refunded your plane/travel, but you could have went hom without the truck and saved you the grief. I went and bought my GN out of state and I checked the car good and drove it before making the deal. Just my opinion.
I don't know anyone who would take a strangers description for gospel. You went there, looked at truck, should have test drove it, etc. You even brought someone with you. THat person should have been familir with a Typhoon if your not, or don't bring them. I certainly don't think he should have refunded your plane/travel, but you could have went hom without the truck and saved you the grief. I went and bought my GN out of state and I checked the car good and drove it before making the deal. Just my opinion.

And I'm sure if you went to look at your out of state GN and it was not as described but you ended up with negative feedback on ebay you would be ok with that??

I appreciate the lectures on what I should and shouldn't have done but that does not change the fact that Bill was dishonest and that's exactly the point I am trying to make.
Mistakes were made, Bill offered to give back your money. Take your lost, give back the truck and get your money back. Bill has ALWAYS been good with me on prices and work done, he gained a good reputation through hard work and customer service. There is not one business which has not had an unsatisfied customer for one reason or another. It was a trade in and Bill didn't look it over throughly, he offered to take back the truck. It's your choice keep it or take his offer and move on. Personally i will deal with Bill without hesitation...
. Everyones definition of "MINT" is different and no two people will see the same thing through the same set of eyes.

you have that right .. I have also flown out after cars and came home EMPTY !!!... I wouldn't buy anything till I could see it with my own beady eye's :eek: :p
Damn, Half of this forums is either retarded or just has a problems with reading. HE DOESNT CARE ANYMORE ABOUT GETTING HIS MONEY BACK, everyone keeps posting this and that about inspecting the vehicle right when he got there and all this crap. Maybe he didnt see it,it was overlooked, a fly got in his eye when going over it, who knows. The point is he would have never of bid on it IF IT WAS REPRESENTED CORRECTLY. Im in shock that people are saying anything but "thats ****ed up, I wouldnt misrepresent a car like that."
The ad says "absolutely no rust" which is very different than "I haven't seen rust but I haven't looked either".

It also says excellent interior, and no vibrations. (By the way, how would someone be able to tell that there were vibrations from a visual inspection?)

How would someone be able to see the rust underneath from a walkaround inspection, without going on a lift?

Sure seems like this was "over-sold", at a minimum.

And Chris, you may be correct that no 2 people see the same thing but Ray Charles could spot the rust on this truck from a mile away so I'm not really buying your theory that this is a minor discrepancy.

Not saying much for your integrity as an automible specialist, you looked at the truck before you accepted it.

I didnt lie in the description of the truck as you keep accusing me.
I recently took this truck for payment from a customer we performed an engine job for. I have not owned it for 15 years and stipped it down to every nook and cranny to find fault with it. I listed the truck in detail as I saw it, just as you did when you looked it over and picked it up, it was not misrepresented.I pointed out all the negatives I knew about face to face as we walked around it from the truck needing rear tires to the paint being dull on the hood.
If you wanted to disassemble it in the parking lot and pick it apart right there that would have been fine I had it on a lift when you arrived for God sakes!!! I would have given you your money back on the spot if it were misrepresented in your opinion but you elected to accept the vehicle (after I had stored it for a couple weeks at no charge to you ) take it home and NOW pick it apart because you didnt agree with the feedback I left you.
You still call me a liar when the respons you left to my feedback is total BS and you alrerady confirmed it right here in this thread.
You come on a Buick board where I conduct my business and attempt to tarnish my reputation in retaliation of that feedback and for no other reason.
I dont know how you conduct your business at Speed Inc but I have built mine on integrity and honesty and have been successful with it for 15 years.

- I have done everything in my power to make this situation right for you including a refund and you are still not satisfied.
The ad says "absolutely no rust" which is very different than "I haven't seen rust but I haven't looked either".

It also says excellent interior, and no vibrations. (By the way, how would someone be able to tell that there were vibrations from a visual inspection?)

How would someone be able to see the rust underneath from a walkaround inspection, without going on a lift?

Sure seems like this was "over-sold", at a minimum.


Billy owns 4 lifts at his shop.. if the guy wanted to see it up on a lift, he would have placed it up there for him.. i could be wrong, it could have been on a lift that day, we don't know.
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